My assignment from the first week of Mixed Media Painting classes was something to go with the phrase, “And all I could do was remember…”
So I decided to do an image that only exists as a memory because I didn’t have a camera handy at the time: Costa Rican Gold, a blur of golden jaguar in the Guanacaste ‘jungle’ of Santa Rita (and maybe iguana prey as well?)

El Jefe, the huge, ancient, and somewhat battered iguana that lived next door to us at Melvin’s in Ostional (Nicoya Peninsula)
‘An iguana leapt out of the bushes right in front of us, freaked and leapt back into the bushes.’ We are supposed to use image transfers so I took a photo of El Jefe, an ancient iguana, and turned him into the ‘prey’. I placed the high contrast laser print of him on a rough pre-painting of jaguar and jungle. Note that El Jefe is now reversed.
The grassy plaster texture was applied in my second class. I think I quite like the tension between the hunter and its prey, but am not sure where I am going next…
Our super instructor’s site: On her site she has her work and offers lots of different workshops and courses.