The Mole Coloradito (red mole) with Chochoyotes (dumplings) was a complex layered sauce made of spices and chocolate, and incredibly rich.
- the chicken was boiled ahead of time with onion and garlic; some of the broth was used when all the chiles were blended.
- the Mole Coloradito began by lightly toasting the dried chiles on a grill to add ‘texture’. The chiles we used were ancho chiles and guajillo chiles.

toasting chiles for the Mole Coloradito
- chocolate ‘pucks’, abuelita-style. This sugared, slightly gritty chocolate is added to the mole sauce.

the sugared gritty chocolate that is added to the Mole Coloradito
- the sexy sheen of mole coloradito once all the ingredients are added

the mole coloradito has a sheen once all the ingredients are added
- Chef Rossana prepping the masa dough for the Chochoyotes.

Chef Rosanna demonstrates how to prepare the masa
- the basic masa dough has masa, claro! plus crushed garlic, a pinch or two of epazote and salt added to it. The dough is rolled into long tubes, sliced and formed into small balls in your hand.

prepping the dumplings from the masa dough
- the balls are flattened and dimpled, and now they are Chochoyotes, Mexican dumplings.

the dumpling ready to pop into the pot of boiling water
- the dimpled Chochoyotes are popped into boiling water. When they float to the surface they’re ready.

dumplings Oaxaca-style
- Mole Coloradito, incredibly rich…

Mole Coloradito
More about the many different moles of México!