Hello! Training run at the track - nothing says I love to run like running in circles for 45 minutes.

I’m Alex Briault, a fifth-year Geography student majoring in Environment and Sustainability at the University of British Columbia. I am particularly interested in issues surround food waste/security and natural hazards. I know, it’s an interesting pairing.

My interest in food waste was sparked by a project where we tasked to find a solution to a “wicked problem” – that is, a problem involving multiple stakeholders with no clear solution. As demand for land rises with global population growth, addressing food waste is vital.

I have been interested in natural hazards since childhood thanks to movies about tornados and volcanoes. Living in BC means being surrounded by natural hazards like landslides, flooding, earthquakes, volcanoes, and forest fires. My interest in natural hazards is primarily based around mitigation and reducing risk where possible.

I am excited to be the President of the Geography Students’ Association for the 2018/2019 academic year after serving as VP Administration for the 2017/2018 academic year. Outside of school, I can usually be found running – no matter the weather – and I’m training for my first full marathon. I also enjoy going to the gym, cooking, and building LEGO sets. While I have greatly enjoyed my time at UBC and in the Geography department, I am looking forward to graduating in May 2019 so I can begin to catch up on all those lost hours of sleep.