Catastrophe of Nevado del Ruiz

This is a paper that was originally written for GEOG 316 where we looked at natural hazards and disasters. The goal of this assignment was to examine a natural disaster to understand how it happened in terms of both human and natural events.

This paper was recently published in volume 13 (2018/2019) of Trail Six, UBC Geography’s undergraduate journal. To read the full paper, please click here to visit the Trail Six site.


On November 13th, 1985, the small town of Armero, Colombia was destroyed by volcanic mudslides following the eruption of Nevado del Ruiz and over 22,000 people were killed. The eruption did not come without warning as the volcano stirred to life again one year prior. Colombia’s lack of financial capital and in- country volcanologists combined with a severe lack of political will created the conditions that led to the 1985 disaster. To tell the story of the night of November 13th, 1985, this paper recounts the history of the Nevado del Ruiz volcano before detailing the events immediately following the eruption. Three key human errors are identified as having compounded to cause the disaster: 1) actions not taken until the last minute, 2) conflicting sources of information from key officials, and 3) a reluctance to implement low-technology monitoring systems. An assessment of how these errors ultimately caused the disaster in Armero is provided. Ultimately, this paper finds that the loss of life in Armero could have been prevented had officials followed through on their monitoring and disaster management plans and had the townspeople been properly informed of the risks of the eruption before it was too late to act.


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