Archive for January, 2013


Wednesday, January 30th, 2013

When you think of the most common associations that come to mind when you think of the brand name McDonalds, I bet that sustainability is not high on the list. McDonalds has built its brand around providing value, quick service, and fun for the family, so why turn to sustainability now? The pure volume of […]

The hidden dangers of shopping ‘green’

Wednesday, January 23rd, 2013

After reading a fellow classmate’s blog post about the underlying intentions of reusable shopping bags (“Green Selling, a Grocery Store’s best friend”) it got me thinking about the impact this new green trend is actually having on the environment. Considering how many times people forget their bags and how many extra bags people possess beyond what […]

Creative Cardboard Consumerism

Thursday, January 17th, 2013

Packaging: you either love it, hate it, waste it, recycle it, or reuse it, but have you ever thought of turning it into a work of art? That is exactly what Dutch baby stroller manufacturer Joolz has decided to do. By combining just the right mix of innovation and cleverness, they are now trying to […]

Can consumers lead the sustainability revolution?

Thursday, January 10th, 2013

As a consumer in today’s day and age where “green” is becoming mainstream and more and more companies are making claims about sustainability, it can almost seem overwhelming making purchasing decisions. Whether they are relatively significant investments or just a regular grocery shop, how do we really know if we’re making a difference by purchasing […]

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