Week 8 – What the actual f… (If on A Winter’s Night a Traveler)

I hated this book. Hated it. I-I don’t even know how to describe my hatred for this book, there are no words to describe my feelings. If I could I would just end my blog post here because this pretty much sums up how I feel, but per the blog post requirements I shall continue.

I truly don’t understand the purpose of writing the novel this way, I understand that authors like to use different and unique stylistic choices but this…this was just a category on its own. At first I was intrigued with the way the novel was written, with the reader “you” being us and also kind of a separate character as well. However, as the story progressed my intrigue quickly turned to frustration that stayed consistent until the end. I couldn’t help but feel frustrated (beyond words) with the inconclusive endings for each mini story and my mind just couldn’t grasp why anyone would want to write a book like that. I had to put the book down a few times or even stop reading for the rest of the day because it kept frustrating me.

However, I will say I did like the character of Uzzi Tuzii because I felt like he added more depth to the stories that the Reader was encountering. He was a bit crazy and did over-analyze parts but I liked that about him because it showed how some of us really do overthink when it comes to stories we read. Not everything needs to have minor details added to it and over analyzing books can ruin the enjoyment, which is exactly what professor Uzzi did. Furthermore, the mini story “What story down there awaits its end?” was also enjoyable and a refreshing break from the other frustration inducing stories.

Also, I felt cheated at times because I would immerse myself into each story only for it end all of a sudden (like someone was yanking the book out of my hands). I feel like somewhere along the way my brain got rewired because of the constant interruptions and it hasn’t been the same ever since. I don’t think I’ve ever felt so mentally exhausted reading a book because this was like trying to solve a puzzle with missing pieces. Overall, I DID NOT LIKE THIS BOOK.

Question to think about: What was the point of this book? Like was their an overarching idea?? (because I don’t get it)

3 thoughts on “Week 8 – What the actual f… (If on A Winter’s Night a Traveler)

  1. Jon

    Ha! I do love it when these books provoke strong reactions in you guys…

    And I think you *got* the book exactly! This is about readerly frustration. This is about how you feel when “cheated at times because I would immerse myself into each story only for it end all of a sudden (like someone was yanking the book out of my hands).” I think this is exactly it!

    So I think you understand this book *perfectly*. You are the ideal reader! :)

  2. Laurenne duManoir

    I was also frustrated while reading it but I actually loved it! I think the point of the book was to be confusing and make you question what a story should look like. It seemed like you understood the point of it hahah

  3. Kelly Ouchin

    Hey alizey! I came to see what rant won the title of best rant this week :)). Happy to say that it did not disappoint! I’m sorry that your book this week was kinda dookie…I actually read the other book for this week and really enjoyed it so….suck on that haha. I Do find the premise and construction of this book really interesting though – a collection of random starts to stories with…no seeming purpose?? Jon’s comment above seems to imply that the effects is reader frustration so I guess in some ways it really is a book just to troll.


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