Lyon Trip and Life in Grenoble as we know it…

by allisonf ~ April 12th, 2011. Filed under: Uncategorized.

Megan and I took the train to Lyon a couple of weeks ago, and had our first experience with couchsurfing. Couchsurfing is a website that connects a network of travelling people, people with spare couches/bedrooms, and people looking to surf a couch. We got really lucky (probably due to my intense scrutiny online), and had 3 great hosts! Lyon was gorgeous and hot while we were there (as per usual on our trips ;)). We checked out Vieux Lyon, le Fourviere, and some gardens. We discovered Lyon does not have much of a nightlife…well not until 3-4 am at least!! At which time we are usually asleep. We were strangely excited to come back to Grenoble!

The past few weeks the weather here has been amazing. With highs of 25 + degrees, one really cannot complain! We’ve done 2 hikes to the waterfalls, been to a lake (where I got a sunburn on the 1st of April!), and suntanned on the Bastille.

Click here for more photos of the lake and waterfall.

It’s our last week of school this week. Next week is called “rattrapages” where we make up classes for which professors were sick for. The week after (last week of April) is called “semaine blanche” which is for studying. The first two weeks of May we have final exams.

Really gotta rush off now…more to come soon!

Ciao for now xox

2 Responses to Lyon Trip and Life in Grenoble as we know it…

  1.   sage

    nice update for those folks that don’t get on fb that much 🙂

  2.   Dad

    Well this has been quite the eye-opening experience for you and Megan – and you’ve still got a bit more traveling in you perhaps! Nice to see a little update – but if you don’t play some tennis and put it on here I will be disappointed haha…just kidding – I know you will find someone to have a few good hits with. Love Dad

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