Fuck the other referenda. Glorious Impeachment cannot be stopped!
Yesterday, the (really, really) ridiculously good looking Taylor Matt Naylor was passing around a petition for impeachment. How is this possible, you ask? You mean we might not be stuck with have Mr. Blake Frederick and his sidekick Timkachu representing us due to a legal blip? Yes, my friends. This is a possibility.
How smash? In order to remove Blim, a referendum would occur in which YOU, the student body, would decide whether we should have an interim President/VP External until the new one steps in. For this referendum to happen, 1000 signatures are needed. Considering our regular voter turnout, collecting that many signatures in two days could potentially be called some form of “mandate,” possibly “from the people.”
If we can’t remove them democratically, we’ll have to remove them democratically.
-Hillson Tse, opinionated badass, Facebook group “Impeach the AMS President and VP External“
Confused yet?
- Elections for the new term of President are happening very soon. That’s what we’re here for. The nomination deadline is January 8, and there will be an All Candidates Meeting after in which we will find out who is running.
- This new term would officially begin after the Olympics extended reading week in February. However, there is a transition period which happens earlier for the incoming Executive to learn the ropes and how to be victorious/not an epic fail in the next year.
- Currently we have a President and a VP External who council tried to “impeach” but due to swanky legal terms within the Society Act, just had to censure. This was a giant headache that made no one happy except, possibly, people who want us all just to get along.
- If this request for referendum gets 1000 signatures, it goes to Council tomorrow night.
- In a flurry of legal speak, Council will vote on two issues: a) to approve funding for Yes & No committees on the issue, and b) whether they wish to sponsor the Yes or No side. Exciting stuff, considering the general Council attitude towards Blim before the break. Have they cooled down, or will these lovely hands be forced to construct some form of monstrous Council-headed Rage Hulk? (this is not necessarily a bad thing)
- You get to vote YES or NO for keeping Blim.
- If the referendum fails, Blim stay on through the Olympics and transition period
- If the referendum passes, an interim President/VP External will be appointed until the new term of the new Executive.
- There will still be an election Jan 25-29 in which we will have a new Executive, including yet (potentially) another new President and VP External.
Hopefully that makes a bit more sense.
You can sign the request for a referendum in the AUS offices (BUCH D140) all day today. They need 1000 signatures by WEDS for the impeachment to go forward! The organizers also need volunteers to help sort the signatures for the upcoming Council meeting. If you have any questions or would like to volunteer, feel free to contact Matt Naylor (naylorm@interchange.ubc.ca)
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