Send questions and comments to:

Maxwell A. Cameron
Department of Political Science
University of British Columbia
C425-1866 Main Mall
Vancouver BC V6T 1Z1
Tel. (604) 822-3129
Fax. (604) 822-5540

Rebecca Alegría Monnerat
Project Manager
Centre for the Study of Democratic Institutions
Department of Political Science
University of British Columbia
C425-1866 Main Mall
Vancouver BC V6T 1Z1
Tel: (604)827-4390
Fax: (604)822-5540

1 Response to CONTACT US

  1. Thank you for this wonderful website.

    I am looking for information about the impact of the Canada/Peru trade agreement on farmers in the Peruvian Andes where many of my friends live and work. If you can point me in the direction of information I would appreciate it very much.

    Thank you.

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