He plays the angel Castiel on the show Supernatural, and he’s awesome, like seriously awesome.
It was last Sunday at the Apple Festival, the weather was terrible, cold and I was selling apple juice in giant cartons. I was walking around my stand with an apple juice carton, yelling ‘APPLE JUICE! ALL ORGANIC AND NATURAL ONLY FOR-OHMERGAW-‘ when I saw Misha and his wife and kids around the apple sales entrance. My mouth literally dropped at the sight. I wanted to go over there so badly, but he was on the phone. So I resorted back to selling my apple juice and occasionally glancing back at him. At this point, I was kind of thinking that I’d never get a chance to meet him. About 30 minutes later, he was wandering around our area so a few girls from my group and I went up to him. I felt so anxious, excited and nervous. And I definitely did not want to faint in front of him. I kind of approached him first and introduced myself to him. He noticed my name tag and greeted me back. I told him how much I adored his character on Supernatural, and how amazing he is (GISHWHES check that out!). Misha is just so down to earth and friendly. Plus, he was carrying his little girl around! He’s keeping her name a secret haha. Afterwards I got a picture with him. And my life became sort of complete hahaha….
But that’s not the end of it….Near the end of my shift, I saw him, his wife and kids again around our apple sales. I waved at him, and this time he came over with a smile, saying “All right, you guys got me, I’m getting them.” and he proceeded to buy the apple juice carton from me. So many feels.

all my feels