Walmart Helps More People Save Money

November 17th, 2013 § 0 comments

When you walk on the street, you will often find that many people you walked by are on their phones or tablets, social-networking, e-mailing, or simply just browsing the web. It is the technology generation and everything people do seem to evolve around technology and internet.

Walmart sees this as an opportunity for it to expand its market. The company is well-known for its low cost deals, which is considered a threat to many retail corporations, and plans on using this advantage to win over the online market.

I believe that Walmart’s decision on entering the online market will help the company to earn profits. The competition for online grocery-shopping is low (since many corporations that tried entering the online grocery market, failed to keep  the food fresh and deliver the products to customers on time) and it will be able to provide an alternative choice for those potential customers who does not have an easy access to the Walmart Warehouses. Currently, The company is testing out same day deliveries. Hopefully, soon, not only will they be able to sell nonperishable goods, they will also be able to sell fresh and frozen products online.



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