Topic 2: Information Needs Analysis

Background Readings

Zimmerman, A., & Maennling, C. (2007). Multi-stakeholder management: Tools for stakeholder analysis: 10 building blocks for designing participatory systems of cooperation (pp. 1-62). Eschborn, Germany: Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH. Retrieved from

Mayers, J. (2005). Stakeholder power analysis (pp. 1-24). International Institute for Environment and Development. Retrieved from

Janse, G. (2007). Communication in forest policy decision-making in Europe: a study on communication processes between policy, science and the public (Doctoral dissertation). Faculty of Forest Sciences, University of Joensuu. Retrieved from

Video Lecture

Please view the follow video lecture for Module II Topic 2.

2.2 Planning Public Relations Activities

Self-directed Reflection

Please answer the following self-reflection question. You can formulate your response and share it online in the Knowledge Café for this course, and also be enlightened about how other students answered this question.

  1. What can you say about the participation of foresters and other scientists in generating public interests for environmental advocacy in your country? View an example answer for the Philippines case in the video at the link below, and prepare your own answer to the question for your own country.