Course Structure

The course is organized into three modules. Each module typically consists of background readings, online video lectures, self-directed tests, self-directed reflection questions, and forum discussions. The topics in each module are as follows.

Module I: Forest Governance

Topic 1: Introduction to Forest Governance

  1. Importance of Forest Governance to sustainable forest management
  2. Historical trend in governing the forest resources

Topic 2: Concepts, Principles, and Realities of Forest Governance

  1. Concepts and Principles of Good Governance
  2. The Pillars of Good Forest Governance

Topic 3: The Role of Forest Governance Institutions

  1. State
  2. Private Sector
  3. Civil Society

Topic 4: Forest Governance in Action

  1. National Initiatives
  2. International Initiatives

Module II: Public Relationship for Sustainable Forestry

Topic 1: Introduction to Public Relations

  1. History of Public Relations
  2. Method, tools, and tactics in Public Relations
  3. Essential Functions of Public Relations

Topic 2: Information Needs Analysis

  1. Basics of Science Communication
  2. Processes in Conducting Information Needs Analysis

Topic 3: Communication Strategy Development

  1. Knowledge Sharing Practices
  2. Processes in Preparing IEC Materials
  3. Designing S&T Communication Materials

Module III: Forestry for Community Development

Topic 1: Introduction to Forestry for Community Development

  1. Evolution of Development Thinking in Forestry
  2. Rationale of Forestry for Local Community Development

Topic 2: Forestry as a Development Intervention

  1. Understanding the Environment
  2. Targets and Goals
  3. Technologies
  4. Agency System
  5. Impacts

Topic 3: Case Studies of Forestry for Local Community Development

  1. Philippines
  2. Thailand
  3. Nepal

Topic 4: Requisites of Success

  1. Project Management
  2. Requisite of Success

Students taking this course should work through the course methodically. You are strongly advised to study the topics in the order that they are presented, but bear in mind that it is always possible to return to particular topics to study them in greater detail.