Topic 3: Communication Strategy Development

Background Readings

The GBV Prevention Network. (2008). Developing Effective Communication Materials Training. [Workshop material]. At Kampala, Uganda October 6-9, 2008. Retrieved from

Health Communication Capacity Collaborative. (2013). The P process: Five steps to strategic communication. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Center for Communication Programs, Johns Hopkins University. Retrieved from

IEC material production guidelines. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Janse, G. (Ed). (2008). Best practices in forest communication (pp. 1-61). United Nations ECE-FAO Forest Communicators Network. Retrieved from

Video Lecture

Please view the follow video lecture for Module II Topic 3.

2.3 Communication Strategy Development

Self-directed Reflection Activities


Use the attached Communication Strategy Template to prepare a strategic action plan for an issue/problem you identified in public relations in forestry.

After you prepare your answer, you are encouraged to share it online in the Knowledge Café for this course to engage in self-directed forum discussions with other students for answers to this question.


The above mentioned attached Communication Strategy Template matrix was adapted from the worksheet designed by in their Communication Strategy Toolkit at

For Section 1, think of a specific environmental issue or problem your country or locale is facing that you think demands proper attention. Describe the issue or problem in terms of how pressing the problem is, the gravity of the situation, and the reason why you have to plan public relations activity for the topic. Then, think of two-to-three key messages you think should be communicated in your country or locale based on the information you gathered. Since we were just planning to make a mock or sample communication strategy, you are free to conceptualize and plan your public relations activity. However, remember that when you conduct real PR, you have to carefully analyze the situation, interview key people, conduct an information needs assessment, hold a focus group discussion, and perform any other relevant activities as you see fit. The information you obtain will become your basis for a more reliable communication strategy.

Section 2 talks about your strategies in gathering public and specific sectors’ attention regarding the problem you discussed in Section 1. List the audience or stakeholders you think should participate in your PR. Remember to include local officials and other reliable stakeholders that can help you when you start implementing your PR activity. After listing the audiences, fill up the corresponding column “communication vehicles” to discuss how you would like to inform them regarding your plan.

Lastly, Section 3, which we have discussed earlier, is more detailed information about your communication vehicles. You have to include all the resources you need to gather public interests and the time required for each activity.

Exemplary Answers

After you have filled out the template, please check out this exemplary answer. Answers to this activity are subjective, hence our version of the framework can be used as a reference of comparison to your answers.