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Unit Three has helped a great deal in understanding to write professionally in a number of ways. The class started out the Unit focusing on “Writing with a You-Attitude” where two letters of “Complaint” and “Bad News” were assigned. Upon completion of these letters it was our responsibility to read and review a team member’s letters, and vice versa. The end portion of this Unit focused on our Formal Report (Draft), which served as a terrific starting point for this project. These are all very valuable learning points that will surely transition well into the professional world I will find myself in upon graduation.

Writing with a “You-Attitude” opened a new door for exploring techniques in writing and language. It helped strengthen my understanding in writing for a specific attitude that aims to ensure the reader’s contentment, and more importantly, not attacked or accused in any malicious way. Initially, the writing process suffered greatly as modalizations would often need to be placed in order to soften the intended message. Additionally, when writing the “Bad News” letter, often accusations were placed between the lines unknowingly. It took taking a step back and rereading the document many days later in order to fully render the document free of any malicious writing. My partner had done a much more thorough job at crafting a seemingly perfect document, utilizing the “YOU-Attitude” to its full extent. Cathy’s utilization of modalization and care to exclude malicious writing aided in her execution of the assignment well. There were very little areas lacking other than the introduction which could use more emphasis on the reader. This was very helpful and will be applying her insight to further projects.

The Formal Report (Draft) was the main component of this Unit, and was a section that I really enjoyed. The research process, including gathering information through interviews and the survey I posted at my place of employment, was a lot of fun. Not only was I completing requirements for our course, but I was also engaging professionally with my co-workers about an important aspect of the workplace. Surveying and interviewing the staff and volunteers proved to be the most tricky aspect of the assignment due to the availability of time, and the lack of resources. Some cases, staff or volunteers were away, without connection to wifi and it made scheduling the interviews extremely difficult. I found that I used the YOU-Attitude in the emails written to the student, staff and volunteers, which garnered a quick response from everyone. It showed me the true value of my schooling, and made me smile to realize the extent of the skills developed. In reviewing Glen’s Formal Report, the extent of the visuals and content amazed me. In the final report, visual aids will be used to portray important data discussed within the text. Additionally, I realized the lack of direct citation provided within the document, and will remedy this in the final product. Reading and reviewing Glen’s draft gave me many ideas to improve on when crafting my final formal report.

Completing the Formal Report (Draft) gave me a feeling of accomplishment, as I have never composed a document that resembles the one we are currently working on. It was challenging, but I am eager to learn new techniques in writing. This Unit has been very enjoyable, and I look forward to completing my Formal Report. Attached to this word document is a file of my Formal Report (Draft), please see below.


Formal Report Draft

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