What knowledge is most worth?
In this section, you will read three articles which discuss the question “What knowledge is most worth?”
- Based on your readings, what knowledge is of most worth?
- How do you think is the worth of knowledge being understood and expressed in our society?
- Broudy, H. S. (1982). What knowledge is of most worth. Educational Leadership, 39(8), 574-578. http://ascd.com/ASCD/pdf/journals/ed_lead/el_198205_broudy.pdf
- Kereluik, K., Mishra, P., Fahnoe, C., & Terry, L. (2013). What knowledge is of most worth: Teacher knowledge for 21st century learning. Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education, 29(4), 127-140. https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1010753.pdf
- Zhao, Y. (2008). What knowledge has the most worth? The Education Digest, 74(4), 48. https://search.proquest.com/openview/788077778c18e9026718c6588e5f05f1/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=25066