Newspaper Column

[Updated: 23 February 2024]

Final Submission

For general instructions/grading rubric, please review:

About 1,250 words. Due by the end of Friday, March 8 (through Turnitin; 4 points/day late).


1. You are writing as someone who lived in your chosen week and whose task was to offer informed opinions on a subject that might interest your contemporary readers. You still need to provide sound reasoning for your opinions, but you are not writing a detached academic essay.

2. You are required to make references in your column to at least three news items or advertisements found in the newspapers of your chosen week (ideally, the items you refer to should be from two different newspapers and/or from two different days).

3. You are required to make references to at least two assigned primary documents (that is, not the Carroll text and not just any document from Faure’s compilation). The chosen documents, of course, should predate your chosen week.


1. Provide a title and a date (either the last day of your chosen week or the day after) for your column.

2. Use the in-text citation format for news articles/advertisements; for example:

. . . . On Wednesday, a news article in The China Mail notes that. . . . (“Title of news article,” p. #; or just p. #);
. . . . On Thursday, an advertisement found in Wah Kiu Yat Po mentions. . . . (p. #).

3. Include the images of your cited articles/advertisements with your column. Keep the formatting of your column as simple as possible. Just attach the images at the end would be fine.

4. Use the in-text citation format for references to the assigned primary documents; for example:
. . . . (Wang Tao, “My Sojourn in Hong Kong,” p. #).
. . . . (Robert Ho Tung, “The Chinese in Hong Kong,” p. #).
. . . . (H. R. Butters, “Reports on Labour and Labour Conditions in Hong Kong,” p. #).

5. Provide a bibliography at the end of your column (won’t be counted against your word limit); for example:

South China Morning Post. May 1, 1947–May 7, 1947.
Wah Kiu Yat Po. May 1, 1947–May 6, 1947.
Wang Tao. “My Sojourn in Hong Kong: Excerpts.” Renditions 29 & 30 (Spring & Autumn 1988): 37–41.
Faure, David, ed. A Documentary History of Hong Kong: Society. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 1997:
— Document II.c3: “A Sense of Complacence”
— Document IV.d2: “Workers of Hong Kong in the 1930s”
— etc.

6. Provide a brief biography not of your real self but of the person you are writing as (again, won’t be counted against the word limit).

Draft (5%)

For general instructions/grading rubric, please review:

For the draft (to be submitted through Turnitin) due by the end of February 16 February 21, please:

1. Indicate the week you are writing your column for (again, please review the original instructions for relevant criteria). In general, use Monday as the start of a week (e.g., October 9–15, 1911).

2. Identity the titles of the two newspapers you are using. If you are able to read Chinese, you are encouraged to use one Chinese-language and one English-language newspapers. For example:

Hong Kong Daily Press
South China Morning Post


The China Mail

3. Provide the dates of the issues available for the two newspapers (please confirm the availability of the issues using the relevant databases). For example:

Hong Kong Daily Press (6 issues available):

  • 1911-10-09
  • 1911-10-10
  • 1911-10-11
  • 1911-10-12
  • 1911-10-13
  • 1911-10-14
  • 1911-10-15 (not available)

香港華字日報 (5 issues available)

  • 1911-10-09
  • 1911-10-10 (not available)
  • 1911-10-11
  • 1911-10-12
  • 1911-10-13
  • 1911-10-14
  • 1911-10-15 (not available)

Since some of the newspapers are weekly papers, you may not have all 2 x 7=14 issues. If necessary, you may use one weekly newspaper. However, it would be difficult to have a successful assignment if both of the newspapers you are using are weeklies.

4. Provide a paragraph (about 250 words) explaining what subject you are planning to comment on in your column. Remember, in the end, “your column should include references to at least two of the primary sources that have been assigned.” So do identify in your draft which two primary documents you are planning to use (use any standard citation format or follow my examples in Schedule).


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