Is Remodeling is remodeling their site, citing the diversity of their merchandise – over 40 departments and not only books –…
News and noteworthy bits on the intersection of libraries, information science, and information technology. Very similar to the links section. is remodeling their site, citing the diversity of their merchandise – over 40 departments and not only books –…
I found out about the SXSW PanelPicker via The Shifted Librarian’s post regarding a proposed Library panel. Although it’s too…
From a restaurant menu to a subway sign in New York City, information design and architecture is everywhere around us….
The Public Library Service Branch Strategic Plan is being carried forward by the Association of BC Public Library Directors (ABCPLD)…
Just when we’re getting all cozy with relational database systems, one pioneer of the industry is saying that the relational…
Interesting project out of University of California at Santa Cruz: software that can (purportedly) track the accuracy of information inside…
An interesting case study and checklist by Helen Lippel about the use of A-Z Index at the BBC website –…