The next meeting of the BCLA/CLA Student Chapter will be
Tuesday March 11th from 1:00-2:00pm in the Trail Room.
We’ll be holding our elections for new executive, to fill any positions left vacant by the Spring graduates! Holding an executive position looks great on your resume & gets you connected to other professionals. Please note that any candidates must be present for the meeting in order to be elected.
The positions that will be vacant are:
- British Columbia Library Association (BCLA) Representative
- Canadian Library Association (CLA) Representative
- Communications Officer / Webmaster
- Treasurer
- Tour Co-ordinator(s)
- Academic Librarians in Public Service (ALPS) Representative (only 1)
- Young Adults and Children’s Services (YAACS) Representative (1 co-rep)
- Visible Minority Librarians of Canada (ViMLoC) Representative
Please see the Executive Roles page for a description of all position responsibilities. Also let us know if there’s a BCLA/CLA section, committee, or interest group not currently holding a student representative position, and the possibility of new position creation can be discussed.