
Alcuin Society event: Turning Book Knowledge into Profit

On Tuesday February 5th from 11:00am-12:00pm, Richard Hopkins, Board Member of the Alcuin Society, Professor Emeritus at SLAIS, and avid book lover and seller, will be sharing how he has used his experience as a librarian and lifelong reader to become an independent bookseller.

Richard is an enthusiastic member of local associations including the Alcuin Society and the Vancouver Writer’s Fest, with an impressive knowledge of Canadian writers (most of whom he seems to have met!). If you are interested in learning more about the independent book market and how you can become more involved in local events and societies like Alcuin, then join us for an hour of talk about librarians, books, and the book market! All are welcome!

Turning Book Knowledge into Profit
When: Tues. February 5th, from 11-12
Where: Trail Room, SLAIS
Perks: Baked goods (made by the lovely Helen Brown)


Informatio​n Session: Visible Minority Librarians of Canada

Are you a member of a visible/ethnic minority group? Or are you interested in learning about serving minority and multicultural patrons in your libraries? If so, join the BCLA/CLA student chapter for an enlightening discussion with Deb Thomas (Branch Head, Bobbie Prittie Metrotown Branch Library / Deputy Chief Librarian, Burnaby Public Library) and Aditi Gupta (Reference Librarian, Bobbie Prittie Metrotown Branch Library).

Deb and Aditi will share with us information about Visible Minority Librarians of Canada (ViMLoC), a CLA network approved in December 2011.

When: Thursday, January 31 2013, 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Where: BuchB 307, UBC
Bonus: Baked goods!
RSVP: ebonymagnus@gmail.com


  1. What is ViMLoC?
  2. Why ViMLoC? Operating goals and mission
  3. Diversity in Libraries
  4. Multicultural populations we serve: Experiences at Burnaby Public Library

About ViMLoC

“ViMLoC is a collaborative network to connect, engage and support visible minority librarians of Canada.

We aim to

  • Connect and represent visible minority librarians in Canada
  • Empower visible minority librarians of Canada by providing professional development support
  • Engage, collaborate and support research in the area of visible minority librarianship
  • Extend support to librarians working with multicultural users and collections” (About Us, ViMLoC)

Hope to see you there!


YAACS @ SLAIS – Youth and Technology Panel

Are you interested in book apps for kids? The latest programming for teens? Online resources for the very young? Yes, yes, and yes please? Then do we have a panel for you!

YAACS @ SLAIS is pleased to announce its Youth and Technology Panel on Wednesday, January 16th from 5:30-6:30pm. We will have speakers from three different public library systems and a local author/illustrator sharing their experiences serving children in the digital environment.

A group will be meeting outside the doors of SLAIS @ UBC at 5:10pm to head over to Buchanan D221 together. So grab a friend, or three and perhaps your fancy new tablet and join us for an evening of discussion and delight!

The details again…
What: Youth and Technology Panel
When: Wednesday January 16th
Time: 5:30-6:30pm
Where: Buchanan D221 (UBC Campus)

If you would like additional information please email Dana Horrocks at dana.horrocks@gmail.com.