
Freedom to Read Week 2015! Tuesday, February 24

Please join us for an all day event celebrating our Freedom to Read!

9:00-3:30pm, February 24th. Dodson Room, 3rd floor Irving K. Barber Learning Centre

Please sign up for a 10 minute slot to read from your favourite challenged or banned book, or read from one of the many books we will have available. Drop in readers are also welcome. 9-12 & 1-3:30

Sign up to read at http://tinyurl.com/FreedomToRead-UBC

From 12-1pm, we are featuring a panel moderated by UBC University Librarian Ingrid Parent discussing how intellectual freedom is lived through everyday life experience and work. Speakers will include Christopher Kevlahan, Branch Head at Joe Fortes VPL; Dr. Gregory Mackie, Assistant Professor, Department of English, UBC; Tara Robertson, Accessibility Librarian, CAPER-BC at Langara College; Miriam Moses, the Acquisitions Librarian at Burnaby Public Library. Light refreshments will be served.

We will also have a Freedom to Write space and welcome everyone to come write and share your words.

Tweet to share your 3 favourite banned or challenged books using #FTRWeek. We’ll also have an (actually physical!) board where you you can write and post them at the event.

Come pick up a bookmark on banned books or come read about current news on challenged, banned or censored materials in Canada.

This event is organized by the BCLA/CLA Student Chapter at UBC and the ALA Student Chapter at UBC.


BCLA/CLA Library Tour: Richmond Public Library, December 2nd

Hi everyone! An upcoming BCLA/CLA SLAIS event!

Please join the BCLA/CLA SLAIS Student Chapter on a tour of Richmond Public Library on Tuesday, December 2nd at 10:00 AM. This tour will last approximately 60 minutes and will be followed with a half-hour Q&A session. The tour will be conducted by the library’s Coordinator of Learning Place Services and the Coordinator Circulation and Merchandizing.

Where: Meet at Ask Us desk at Richmond Public Library at 9:55 AM
When: Tuesday, December 2nd

Please use the Eventbrite link provided to register if you plan to attend. We will send out a reminder closer to the tour date.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Eventbrite Link: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/bclacla-tour-of-richmond-public-library-tickets-14490305895


Upcoming Event: Library Hiring Panel – November 4 (Tuesday)!

Hi everyone!

Exciting news! There’s an annual BCLA/CLA Hiring Panel coming up, this Tuesday (November 4) at 11:30am! It will be held in Ponderosa Annex E, room 117.

This event allows interested students to engage with current professionals on a number of topics related to the library profession – what skills are best to develop while here at SLAIS, how to best use one’s time while they’re at SLAIS, how to make the transition into the profession as smooth as possible, and more. It’s a great opportunity to engage with people who are already set in the profession!

Again – November 4 (this Tuesday), at 11:30am, at Ponderosa Annex E, Room 117.

See you there!


Upcoming event: SLAIS/Langara LibTech Meet and Greet

Hello all BCLA/CLA UBCers and anyone else interested in the BCLA/CLA organization!

There’s an upcoming event this Friday (October 17th) where students from SLAIS and the Langara Library Technician Program can meet, mingle, and share ideas!

More information (in addition to the ability to get tickets (which are free!)) is located here. The meet and greet is at Cafe Crepe at 874 Granville Street (Vancouver) between 2 and 4pm.

Hope to see you there!


For Those Interested: BCLA Event – RA in a Half Day 2014

Just thought this might be of interest to some who follow BCLA/CLA business and affairs!

There’s an event coming up on the 20th of October (this month) put on by the BCLA called ‘RA in a Half Day 2014′, where a workshop will be run on providing Readers’ Advisory! Registration is only $10 for students, $30 for BCLA members and $40 for BCLA non-members – but it closes soon, at noon on the 9th (two days from now), so don’t delay in registering!

Full set of details, on what the workshop entails along with registration details, are located here.

Hope this has been helpful!


BCLA Mentorship Information Session

Are you looking for a library mentor? Come and learn how to get involved with the upcoming BCLAMentorship Program, where you can be paired with a library professional who can give you insight into the realities of the library world! Representatives from BCLA will be visiting to provide information about the program and to answer any questions students may have. The information session will take place on Tuesday March 25th, 1:00pm – 2:00pm in IKBLC room 191.

For more information about the program, visit

If you have questions about the information session, please contact Danielle (wingdj@gmail.com).


Getting Hired in Public Libraries Panel!

The BCLA/CLA Student Chapter is excited to announce our next event, open to all students of SLAIS! We will be holding a Getting Hired in Public Libraries panel on Thursday, March 13th, at 6:00pm in the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre, room 261.

Students will have the opportunity to listen to six panelists from all facets of public library service describe their experience with the hiring process and give advice for students entering the field. Following the panel, there will be time for socializing with the panelists over refreshments. This is an excellent opportunity to meet professionals in the library field and gain valuable insights regarding the hiring process. It is also one of few events at SLAIS that specifically addresses public libraries, so don’t miss out!

Panelists include:

  • Deb Hutchison Koep, Deputy Director, Technology and Technical Services, West Vancouver Memorial Library
  • Kathy Payne, Human Resource Consultant, Vancouver Public Library
  • Susan Everall, Manager, Neighbourhood Services, Vancouver Public Library
  • Lindsey Pagnucco, Teen Services Librarian, Vancouver Public Library
  • Cara Pryor, Head of Community, Program, and Service Development, North Vancouver City Library
  • Amy Ashmore, Youth Services Librarian, Surrey Libraries

Not interested in public libraries? This event is still for you! Much of the discussion and advice dispensed will hold true for all kinds of library positions and fields.

Any questions? Feel free to direct them to Rebekah Adams (rebekah.af.adams@gmail.com) or Danielle Wing (wingdj@gmail.com). 

We hope to see you there!


BCIT Library Tour

BCLA/CLA is happy to announce that the final library tour for this year will be of the BCIT (BC Institute of Technology) Library.

This tour is taking place on Tuesday, March 11th, at 10:00am (with plenty of time left for us to make it back for our BCLA meeting at 1pm!).

These tours are a great opportunity for students, not only to learn about different library systems, but to meet industry professionals.

Please register for this free event via Eventbrite at this link: http://www.eventbrite.com/e/bcit-library-tour-registration-10772905049
Note: you can still come if you haven’t registered. We’re just trying to get a rough idea of the number of attendees.

We will be meeting our tour guide at Building SE14, 2nd floor Information desk (Fairy Street and Roper Ave). Please arrive a few minutes before 10am.

If you need any further information, don’t hesitate to drop a line to rebekah.af.adams@gmail.com. We hope to see you all there!


ALPS Panel: Incorporating Research and Scholarship Into Your Professional Practice

Curious about how to get involved in library-based research, not to mention how to fund it, find the time, or show others?  The Academic Librarians in Public Service (ALPS) section of the BCLA/CLA Student Chapter is excited to announce our spring panel: Incorporating Research and Scholarship Into Your Professional Practice!

Join us on Tuesday, March 18 2014 from 12:00-1:00pm in the Dodson Room (within the Chapman Learning Commons in the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre) to hear speakers from academic and public libraries describe their experience with library-based research and scholarly activities, which can range in their involvement and formality.

Our panelists:

  • Eugene Barsky (Reference Librarian, Woodward Library, UBC)
  • Kay Cahill (Facilities Development Librarian, VPL)
  • Allan Cho (Community Engagement Librarian, UBC)
  • Ania Dymarz (Life Sciences Librarian, SFU)
Some questions they’ll answer:
  • How are you involved in library-based research and scholarship?
  • How have you showcased your research?
  • What are the rewards and benefits of research?
  • What are the challenges?

You’ll also have the opportunity to ask our speakers your questions!

Light refreshments will be provided.  Please RSVP via the Eventbrite link below, to ensure appropriate seating & refreshment preparation.

RSVP: https://alpsresearchpanel.eventbrite.ca

Hope to see you there! :)