Freedom to Read Week 2015! Tuesday, February 24
Please join us for an all day event celebrating our Freedom to Read!
9:00-3:30pm, February 24th. Dodson Room, 3rd floor Irving K. Barber Learning Centre
Please sign up for a 10 minute slot to read from your favourite challenged or banned book, or read from one of the many books we will have available. Drop in readers are also welcome. 9-12 & 1-3:30
Sign up to read at
From 12-1pm, we are featuring a panel moderated by UBC University Librarian Ingrid Parent discussing how intellectual freedom is lived through everyday life experience and work. Speakers will include Christopher Kevlahan, Branch Head at Joe Fortes VPL; Dr. Gregory Mackie, Assistant Professor, Department of English, UBC; Tara Robertson, Accessibility Librarian, CAPER-BC at Langara College; Miriam Moses, the Acquisitions Librarian at Burnaby Public Library. Light refreshments will be served.
We will also have a Freedom to Write space and welcome everyone to come write and share your words.
Tweet to share your 3 favourite banned or challenged books using #FTRWeek. We’ll also have an (actually physical!) board where you you can write and post them at the event.
Come pick up a bookmark on banned books or come read about current news on challenged, banned or censored materials in Canada.
This event is organized by the BCLA/CLA Student Chapter at UBC and the ALA Student Chapter at UBC.