
Next BCLA/CLA Meeting – Trail Room, Nov 10 [Tues] 11am-12pm

Hi all! Meeting notification!

The next BCLA/CLA-UBC meeting is in the Trail Room at SLAIS on Tuesday Nov. 10 from 11am-12pm! Please be there, we’d all love to see you!

Some exec positions are still open, some which very much need to be filled too!

The positions are as follows:

Tour Coordinator(s) [2 positions available]
Webmaster/Communications Officer [I’m stepping down!]
CLA (Canadian Library Association) Representative

The latter two (Webmaster/Comm. Officer and CLA Rep) are very much needed, because the former handles the group’s electronic communications and web presence, and the latter is BCLA/CLA-UBC’s connection to CLA, which is very important indeed.

Attached are the documents relating to the executive roles and the Year in Review from previous execs in these positions, along with all others.

Please consider putting yourself forward for a positionĀ – it’s a great way to get involved in not just the SLAIS community, but the professional field as well, get some great experience in a variety of activities, skills and the field, and also to get to network and know some great people. It is well worth it!

That’s all for now!


First Meeting of the Term! Monday, Sep. 21, Trail Room, 11am-12pm!

Hi all! Welcome to the amazing new term!

The first meeting of BCLA/CLA@UBC is happening at 11am-12pm, Monday, at the Trail Room in the SLAIS Department Space! As always, the Trail Room is the conference room on the far side of the SLAIS Lounge.

Be there! Be involved! Also important is that the position of Intellectual Freedom Committee Representative is open for election at this meeting! Drop by if you’re interested!


BCLA/CLA UBC Meeting – April 8, 11am, Trail Room [Final Meeting of the Semester]

Hello everyone!

We invite you to our final BCLA/CLA UBC meeting of the semester tomorrow, April 8 (Wednesday) at 11am in the Trail Room in SLAIS. This meeting is particularly important because we will be electing people to the following positions:

BCLA Representative

CLA Representative

2 Tour Coordinators

If you’re curious, or interested at all in running for these positions, come on down for the meeting! All are welcome.

– Marche


First meeting of the Fall 2014 Semester

The very first meeting of the Fall 2014 semester will be held on Tuesday, September 16th at 1:00pm in theĀ Trail Room.

If you’re interested at all in the BCLA/CLA and wish to know more about it, or even better, wish to be involved, please come by!