
March Meeting: Elections!

The next meeting of the BCLA/CLA Student Chapter will be
Tuesday March 11th from 1:00-2:00pm in the Trail Room.

We’ll be holding our elections for new executive, to fill any positions left vacant by the Spring graduates!  Holding an executive position looks great on your resume & gets you connected to other professionals.  Please note that any candidates must be present for the meeting in order to be elected.

The positions that will be vacant are:

  • British Columbia Library Association (BCLA) Representative
  • Canadian Library Association (CLA) Representative
  • Communications Officer / Webmaster
  • Treasurer
  • Tour Co-ordinator(s)
  • Academic Librarians in Public Service (ALPS) Representative (only 1)
  • Young Adults and Children’s Services (YAACS) Representative (1 co-rep)
  • Visible Minority Librarians of Canada (ViMLoC) Representative

Please see the Executive Roles page for a description of all position responsibilities.   Also let us know if there’s a BCLA/CLA section, committee, or interest group not currently holding a student representative position, and the possibility of new position creation can be discussed.


February Meeting

The next meeting of the BCLA/CLA Student Chapter will be
Tuesday February 11th from 1:00-2:00pm in the Trail Room.

Please note that the time has changed so as to accommodate everyone’s schedules.  We’ll have business as usual, but also be doing final planning for our Freedom to Read Week event!


First meeting of the term!

The first meeting of the BCLA/CLA Student Chapter at UBC will be held Tuesday January 14th, from 12:00-1:00pm.

We will be meeting in room 315 of the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre, which is just inside the library half of the building.

It can be a bit confusing, so here are the detailed access instructions: enter the Music, Art, and Architecture library on the 3rd floor of IKBLC (there is only one library entrance, you can’t go wrong!), and head straight past the washrooms and the stairwell on your right hand side. Room 315 is the first meeting room past the stairwell! If you’re uncertain, meet in SLAIS at 11:50 and we will walk down together.

We may be a bit short on chairs, but never fear, there will be Timbits to compensate. New SLAIS students are especially encouraged to come!


November Meeting

The next meeting of the BCLA/CLA Student Chapter will be
Tuesday November 5th from 12:00-1:00pm in the Trail Room.

Please note that the time has changed so as to accommodate everyone’s schedules.

We will be approving the budget at this meeting so if your group has not yet submitted your budget proposal, please email our treasurer as soon as possible.


October Meeting

The next meeting of the BCLA/CLA Student Chapter will be
Tuesday October 8th at 1:00pm.

Please note that we will be meeting in IKBLC 461 this month!

We’ll be talking about some of the events & panels coming up, and as always, everyone is welcome!


First BLCA/CLA meeting of the year!

The first meeting of the BCLA/CLA Student Chapter at SLAIS will be
Tuesday September 10th at 1:00pm.

We will be meeting in the Trail Room at SLAIS (Room 491), and will have Timbits to entice new & returning students!  Come hear about BCLA/CLA, along with their sections, interest groups, and networks.  Everyone is welcome!

Agenda to follow via the BCLA/CLA GoogleGroup. E-mail bcla.cla.ubc@gmail.com to sign up if you’re not on the mailing list!