
BCIT Library Tour

BCLA/CLA is happy to announce that the final library tour for this year will be of the BCIT (BC Institute of Technology) Library.

This tour is taking place on Tuesday, March 11th, at 10:00am (with plenty of time left for us to make it back for our BCLA meeting at 1pm!).

These tours are a great opportunity for students, not only to learn about different library systems, but to meet industry professionals.

Please register for this free event via Eventbrite at this link: http://www.eventbrite.com/e/bcit-library-tour-registration-10772905049
Note: you can still come if you haven’t registered. We’re just trying to get a rough idea of the number of attendees.

We will be meeting our tour guide at Building SE14, 2nd floor Information desk (Fairy Street and Roper Ave). Please arrive a few minutes before 10am.

If you need any further information, don’t hesitate to drop a line to rebekah.af.adams@gmail.com. We hope to see you all there!


ALPS Panel: Incorporating Research and Scholarship Into Your Professional Practice

Curious about how to get involved in library-based research, not to mention how to fund it, find the time, or show others?  The Academic Librarians in Public Service (ALPS) section of the BCLA/CLA Student Chapter is excited to announce our spring panel: Incorporating Research and Scholarship Into Your Professional Practice!

Join us on Tuesday, March 18 2014 from 12:00-1:00pm in the Dodson Room (within the Chapman Learning Commons in the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre) to hear speakers from academic and public libraries describe their experience with library-based research and scholarly activities, which can range in their involvement and formality.

Our panelists:

  • Eugene Barsky (Reference Librarian, Woodward Library, UBC)
  • Kay Cahill (Facilities Development Librarian, VPL)
  • Allan Cho (Community Engagement Librarian, UBC)
  • Ania Dymarz (Life Sciences Librarian, SFU)
Some questions they’ll answer:
  • How are you involved in library-based research and scholarship?
  • How have you showcased your research?
  • What are the rewards and benefits of research?
  • What are the challenges?

You’ll also have the opportunity to ask our speakers your questions!

Light refreshments will be provided.  Please RSVP via the Eventbrite link below, to ensure appropriate seating & refreshment preparation.

RSVP: https://alpsresearchpanel.eventbrite.ca

Hope to see you there! :)


Freedom To Read 2014

Freedom To Read Week Poster 2014

Freedom to Read Week: February 23 – March 1 2014
This is “an annual event that encourages Canadians to think about and reaffirm their commitment to intellectual freedom.”

The British Columbia Library Association/Canadian Library Association student chapter at UBC present:

Freedom to Read Day at UBC
Tuesday February 25th 2014 from 10:00am-3:30pm in the Lillooet Room, Chapman learning Commons, IKBLC (light refreshments provided)

Schedule for the day:
•    10:00am-12:00pm: Read-a-thon (and information table in IKBLC foyer)
•    12:00pm-1:30pm: Writer panel & mingling
•    1:30pm-3:30pm: Read-a-thon

We will be hosting a live read-a-thon of banned or challenged books & material, in which anyone can sign up for 10-minute blocks to read out-loud to whoever is present. We will have a display of banned books on-hand from which participants can read!

We will have a three speaker roundtable discussing their individual experiences with censorship and intellectual freedom.

Our speakers are:
•    Susin Nielsen: Author of “Word Nerd”
•    Kathryn Shoemaker: UBC Professor & Illustrator of “A Telling Time”
•    Judi Saltman: UBC iSchool Professor

We would love to see you there! For more information and to sign up to read please see the webpage: https://blogs.ubc.ca/bclacla/freedom-to-read-week/


February Meeting

The next meeting of the BCLA/CLA Student Chapter will be
Tuesday February 11th from 1:00-2:00pm in the Trail Room.

Please note that the time has changed so as to accommodate everyone’s schedules.  We’ll have business as usual, but also be doing final planning for our Freedom to Read Week event!


St. Georges School Library Tour

We are pleased to announce that the first BCLA/CLA library tour this semester will be at St. Georges School library! Come join us as we tour the library and chat with the librarians at St. Georges School, a private K-12 boys school located right by UBC. We will tour the library in the lower school then walk over and tour the brand new library and learning commons in the upper school (which is rumored to have a 3-D printer).

The tour will be held on Thursday February 13th from 8:20-10:30am.

Interested? If so, please RSVP at

If you have any questions feel free to email ariel.deardorff@gmail.com.  Look forward to seeing you there!


First meeting of the term!

The first meeting of the BCLA/CLA Student Chapter at UBC will be held Tuesday January 14th, from 12:00-1:00pm.

We will be meeting in room 315 of the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre, which is just inside the library half of the building.

It can be a bit confusing, so here are the detailed access instructions: enter the Music, Art, and Architecture library on the 3rd floor of IKBLC (there is only one library entrance, you can’t go wrong!), and head straight past the washrooms and the stairwell on your right hand side. Room 315 is the first meeting room past the stairwell! If you’re uncertain, meet in SLAIS at 11:50 and we will walk down together.

We may be a bit short on chairs, but never fear, there will be Timbits to compensate. New SLAIS students are especially encouraged to come!


Visible Minority Librarians of Canada (ViMLoC) Network Mentoring Program: Call for Mentors and Mentees

Are you an experienced visible minority librarian willing to provide advice and support to another visible minority librarian? Did you have a great mentoring experience and would like to “pay it forward”?  ViMLoC needs you!

Are you a visible minority librarian in need of guidance? Do you want to connect with an experienced visible minority librarian for professional advice and support?   ViMLoC wants you!

The Visible Minority Librarians of Canada (ViMLoC) Network (a CLA Network) recognizes the need :

  1. to help visible minority librarians, especially new librarians and new immigrant librarians, develop their professional careers
  2. to encourage and guide visible minority library students with career planning

To assist in this initiative the ViMLoC mentoring program will recruit and provide a pool of experienced visible minority librarians as potential mentors as well as facilitate the matching of potential mentors to mentees.

The ViMLoC mentoring program is open to visible minority librarians at all stages of their career, and visible minority library students. The Employment Equity Act defines visible minorities as “persons, other than Aboriginal peoples, who are non-Caucasian in race or non-white in colour“. The visible minority population consists mainly of the following groups: Chinese, South Asian, Black, Arab, West Asian, Filipino, Southeast Asian, Latin American, Japanese and Korean. The program is open to both CLA members and non-CLA members.

If you would like to participate in the ViMLoC mentoring program as a mentee please complete the ViMLoC Mentee Application form. Mentee applicants will receive a confirmation email acknowledging receipt of their application and will be contacted once a match is found. Please note that the length of time for mentor matching could take up to several weeks depending on mentor availability.

If you would like to participate in the ViMLoC mentoring program as a mentor please complete the ViMLoC Mentor Application form. Mentors are required to have a minimum of 5 years’ experience as a librarian. Mentoring is an on-going relationship between the mentor and mentee. ViMLoC seeks mentors who are committed to the personal and professional development of mentees.

Completed applications should be sent to ViMLoC (vimloc@gmail.com). Visit the ViMLoC website for more information.


Alcuin Society SLAIS Used Book Crawl

Please accept our cordial invitation to join fellow SLAIS old book enthusiasts for an afternoon of dusty shelves in downtown Vancouver.

We’ll drop by some of the best book shops in the city and hear a few words from two knowledgeable Alcuin-ists: Dr. Shelley Gruendler (mega awesome typographer, designer and founding director of TypeCamp) and Dr. Richard Hopkins (esteemed SLAIS Professor Emeritus and bookseller with Hourglass Books).

They’ll give informal notes on the underworld of books, bookselling and design, you’ll have a chance to scoop up some trusty tomes, and we’ll all retire to either the Irish Heather or Shebeen for a pint or a glass of whisky and compare our finds. Sound good?

We’ll make three stops in the following order:
MacLeod’s Books (455 W Pender St)
Criterion Books (434 W Pender St)
The Paper Hound (344 W Pender St)

When: Sunday November 17, 2014, 3:00-6:00pm(ish)

We’ll meet first at 3:00 outside of MacLeod’s.

Please give a quick email to Grant at gehurley@mta.ca to RSVP so we can let the booksellers know how many are coming! If you want some more e-mails regarding the Alcuin Society and book and book design-related events in the city, let Grant know.


November Meeting

The next meeting of the BCLA/CLA Student Chapter will be
Tuesday November 5th from 12:00-1:00pm in the Trail Room.

Please note that the time has changed so as to accommodate everyone’s schedules.

We will be approving the budget at this meeting so if your group has not yet submitted your budget proposal, please email our treasurer as soon as possible.


Langara College Library Tour!

Fresh off the success of our first library tour, the BCLA/CLA student chapter is happy to announce our next tour will be at Langara College Library on Friday November 15th at 1:00pm.

Please join us as we tour the library and learn about its collections and services. This is a unique opportunity to get the inside scoop about working in a college library from the Head of Library Services herself, Patricia Cia.

Interested? If so, please RSVP at http://www.eventbrite.ca/event/9039233591

We look forward to seeing you there!