
BCLA Grab-bag

Hello, all! In case you are interested, here are a few upcoming events and opportunities being offered in the Vancouver area.


Spring Conference!

Save the date! The BC Libraries Conference is May 9th to 11th, 2013 at the Sheraton Vancouver Airport Hotel in Richmond BC.  The 2013 theme is “Are We There Yet?”  http://www.bclibraryconference.ca/


Conference Proposals

BCLA is looking for conference proposals on ideas about programs and services that are new to the library community. Proposals are due by December 11th, 2012. To submit a proposal for the 2013 British Columbia Library Conference please access the form here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/BCLC2013


Changing Times, Inspiring Libraries Summit

December 6th (evening) & December 7th 2012. Come hear from David Lankes for an inspiring presentation on what libraries can be. For more info go here: http://www.bclibraries.ca/workshops/Inspiration%20Summit/index.html


Outreach Staff Training Workshop

On Wednesday November 28 there will be a full day training workshop offered by InterLINK on providing outreach services featuring experts who work with diverse user groups.


If you have questions about any of these announcements, please contact our BCLA rep, Helen Brown (helen.leanne.brown@gmail.com).


NFB Film Club Winter Program

CLA has released several film programs that are available for library screenings and our lovely CLA rep, Julia, has offered to arrange a viewing!

The list of programs/documentaries is as follows. Please send a vote on your preferred program to Julia at julia.p.mcknight@gmail.com asap! General socializing and merriment to follow the screening.



The Visitor/Le visiteur  (short animation) 

Payback – 2011, 86min



(Show this program and become eligible to win the Unikkausivut: Sharing Our Stories DVD box set of 24 films, valued at $899)

Islet/Îlot  (animation)

Vanishing Point –  2012,  82min (with English subtitles)



In celebration of International Women’s Day, March 8, 2013 

An Artist – 5 min  (animation)

A young girl manages to develop her musical talent without the knowledge of her family. 

Status Quo? The unfinished business of feminism in Canada – 2012, 87 min

Feminism has shaped the society we live in. But just how far has it brought us, and how relevant is it today? Status Quo? zeroes in on key concerns such as violence against women, access to abortion, and universal childcare, asking how much progress have we truly made on these issues. It uncovers answers that are provocative and at times shocking. Rich with archival material and startling contemporary stories, Status Quo? is crucial viewing for every Canadian.



Paula     (animation)

Who Cares  – 2012, 80min


Children’s Program – Winter 2013   

Big Mouth – 8 min    (6+)

Equal parts truthful and rude, Trudy is a little girl with an unfiltered and deeply curious way of looking at the world. An animated short about one of life’s big lessons, and a film for anyone, young or old, who has ever gotten in trouble for saying too much.

HA’Aki – 5 min    (5+)

HA’Aki is a lyrical and wonderfully unorthodox interpretation of hockey as played in the mind of a lyrical and wonderfully unorthodox animation artist.

Sainte Barbe – 8 min    (5+)

How a little boy’s love for his grandpa—and the old man’s bushy beard—turns to magic!

Christopher, Please Clean up Your Room! – 7 min    (5+)

The resident goldfish and roaches in Christopher’s room protest his messiness and take matters into their own hands. Based on a book by Itah Sadu.

Glasses  –  22 min   (5+)

In this puppet animation we meet a little boy who lives in a lonely, blurry world. His near-sightedness brings humiliations in the schoolyard and in his Grade 1 class. A visit to the eye doctor brings things into focus, and his first pair of glasses changes everything!



YAACS (The Young Adult and Children’s Services Interest Group) has been busy this term! Here is a list of all their events planned in October and early November. Stay tuned for more exciting get-togethers and talks later in the term!

Jon Klassen at Kidsbooks

Oct. 16th @ 7pm- 3083 W Broadway

Tickets $25 include a copy of his new book!


YAACS Meeting/ Halloween Book Club

Oct. 18th @ 5pm- Trail Room

Bring a Halloween or Fall themed book to share!


Kenneth Oppel Presents at Dark Alchemy

Oct. 19th @ 8:30am- 1:30pm- Oakridge Centre Auditorium

Registration $35 includes lunch!


Cory Doctorow at Kidsbooks

Oct. 21st @ 7pm- 3083 W Broadway

Tickets $23.50 include a copy of his new book Pirate Cinema


School Library Day Panel- SLAIS Colloquia

Oct. 24th @ 4:30-6:00pm- Dodson Room, IKBLC

Engaging Youth With Indigenous Materials in Libraries and Classrooms


YAACS Tours Kidsbooks

Oct. 26th @ 4:30- 3083 W Broadway

Come get a tour of Canada’s largest children’s bookstore!


Lunch with Karla Lucht

Nov. 6th @ 12pm- Trail Room

Come meet this visiting Children’s Literature scholar.


For more information on any of these events, you can contact any of our multitude of YAACS reps: Dana Horrocks (dana.horrocks@gmail.com), Elizabeth Bell (esbell666@verizon.net) or Kristy Woodcock ( kawoodco@gmail.com).

Getting Hired in Higher Education

It’s time again for our always-successful Getting Hired in Higher Education Panel!

“Panelists from college and university libraries will discuss their paths from
graduation to employment, and the tips, tricks, and strategies they have
found useful as new librarians and information specialists. You’ll also have
the opportunity to ask our speakers your questions on how best to prepare
yourself for success as an academic librarian!”

This informative event will take place on October 23 from 12-1 in Buchanan B302.

RSVP at EventBrite


And another thing! CLA Call for Proposals

Call for Proposals

2013 CLA National Conference & Trade Show

Winnipeg, Manitoba

May 29 – June 1, 2013


The call for proposals for the 2013 CLA National Conference in Winnipeg is now open. This is your chance to contribute to CLA’s premier professional development opportunity.  Help make 2013 CLA Winnipeg the must-attend event of the year!


We invite submissions from the library, archival and other information-related communities for consideration to present at the conference.  Proposals for pre-conference sessions, concurrent program sessions and poster presentations are welcome!


A new educational element for this year is “The Learning Lounge” which will consist of short presentations (max. 20 minutes) that focus on very specific topics. We welcome proposals for these sessions from both the library/information and vendor communities. The informal experience is designed to encourage connection, discussion and engagement.


Detailed instructions for program submissions are available at www.cla.ca/conference/2013. The deadline for submissions is October 28, 2012. Accepted presenters will be notified by the end of December 2012.


Questions may be addressed to Wendy Walton at 613.232.9625 ext. 302 or wwalton@cla.ca




BCLA Browser Submissions

Just a quick little note to remind everyone that submissions for the next edition of the BCLA Browser are open until October 10.

Here are some details that were mercilessly ripped right from the email:

Submissions: If you have some news to spread, best practices to share, or a good story to tell, please consider making a submission. Submission details and guidelines can be found at

Please note that submissions should be made online.

If you have a story idea, but perhaps not the time write, please contact me. I’ll do my best to coordinate editorial support.”

And that coordinator, of course, is Leanna Jantzi, Editor of the Browser, who can be reached at browser@bcla.bc.ca to answer any questions.

Remember students: being published in the Browser is one way to show a commitment to professional development and looks great on a resume!

Happy writing!


October Meeting

Hi everybody!

Our next meeting info:

Wednesday, October 10


Trail room in SLAIS

This meeting will be chaired by the lovely Alison Hasselfield, our new Treasurer, so any items to be added to the agenda should be sent to her (allison.hasselfield@gmail.com). As always, if you’d like a copy of the agenda, shoot me an email and I will forward it to you.

Everyone is welcome, so bring us your fab ideas and opinions or just your fab selves!



BCLA Mentorship Program

BCLA now has a mentorship program for librarians! This is a great opportunity for you to network, get application feedback and have all your questions answered by a British Columbia library professional out in the field.

Applications for the fall session will be open on September 14, 2012. The session will run from October 15-December 10 (8 weeks) and requires contact with your mentor (over email, phone or face-to-face) at least twice per month.

For more information, check out the BCLA mentorship site. Helen Brown and Nick Josten are also available to answer any questions you might have as they participated in the summer session. You can reach them through bcla.cla.ubc@gmail.com


First Meeting

Our first meeting of the term will be held at:

The Wolf & Hound  (3617 W Broadway)

Wednesday, September 12


Alternatively, a group will be meeting at 5:15 at SLAIS to head down to the pub together.

This event is being held at a pub so that it can double as a get-to-know-you type affair after the official meeting blab. Come learn about what we do and then stay for a drink! Everyone is welcome, no commitment necessary.

We look forward to seeing you there! :)