
journal articles

Leenman AS, Eaton BC. 2022. Episodic sediment supply to alluvial fans: implications for fan incision and morphometry. Earth Surface Dynamics, 10: 1097–1114. Doi: 10.5194/esurf-10-1097-2022.

Adams DL, Eaton BC. 2022. A comparison of 1D and 2D bedload transport functions under high excess shear stress conditions in laterally constrained gravel-bed rivers: a laboratory study. Earth Surface Dynamics, 10: 895–907. Doi: 10.5194/esurf-10-895-2022.

Eaton BC, MacKenzie LG, Tatham C. 2022 Modulating the lateral migration of a gravel bed channel using the coarse tail of the bed material distribution. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 47( 5): 1304– 1321. Doi: 10.1002/esp.5318

Vincent L, Eaton BC, Leenman AS, Jakob M. 2022. Secondary Geomorphic Processes and their Influence on Alluvial Fan Morphology, Channel Behaviour and Flood Hazards. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 127(2): e2021JF006371. Doi: 10.1029/2021JF006371.

Booker WH, Eaton BC. 2022. Morphodynamic styles: characterising the behaviour of gravel-bed rivers using a novel, quantitative index. Earth Surface Dynamics, 10: 247–260. Doi: 10.5194/esurf-10-247-2022

Leenman AS, Eaton BC, MacKenzie LG. 2022. Floods on alluvial fans: implications for reworking rates, morphology and fan hazards. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 127(2): e2021JF006367. Doi: 10.1029/2021JF006367.

Luzi D, Hassan MA, Papangelakis E, Eaton BC. 2021. Cycles of aggradation and degradation in gravel-bed rivers mediated by sediment storage and morphologic evolution. Geomorphology, 395: 108001. Doi: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2021.108001.

Gronsdahl S, McParland D, Eaton BC, Moore RD, Rosenfeld J. 2021. Evaluation of a geomorphic instream flow tool for conducting hydraulic‐habitat modelling. River Research and Applications, 37(10): 1520-37. Doi: 10.1002/rra.3847.

Leenman AS, Eaton BC. 2021. Mechanisms for avulsion on alluvial fans: insights from high‐frequency topographic data. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 46(6): 1111-1127 Doi: 10.1002/esp.5059

*Eaton BC, MacKenzie LG, Booker WH. 2020. Channel stability in steep gravel–cobble streams is controlled by the coarse tail of the bed material distribution. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 45(14): 3639-3652.

Beagley R, Davies T, Eaton BC. 2020. Past, present and future behaviour of the Waiho River, Westland, New Zealand: A new perspective. Journal of Hydrology (New Zealand), 59(1): 41-61.

Naman SM, Rosenfeld JS, Jordison E, Kuzyk M, Eaton BC. 2020. Exploitation of Velocity Gradients by Sympatric Stream Salmonids: Basic Insights and Implications for Instream Flow Management. North Am J Fish Manage, 40: 320-329.

De Rego K, Lauer JW, Eaton BC, Hassan M. 2020. A decadal‐scale numerical model for wandering, cobble‐bedded rivers subject to disturbance. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 45: 912– 927.

Booker W, Eaton BC. 2020. Stabilising large grains in self-forming steep channels. Earth Surface Dynamics, 8( 1): 51–67.

Naman S, Rosenfeld J, Neuswanger J, Eaton BC. 2019. Comparing correlative and bioenergetic habitat suitability models for drift-feeding fishes. Freshwater Biology, 64(9): 1613-1626.

Eaton BC, Moore RD,  MacKenzie LG. 2019. Percentile-based grain size distribution analysis tools (GSDtools)–estimating confidence limits and hypothesis tests for comparing two samples. Earth Surface Dynamics, 7(3): 789-806.

Tamminga A​, Eaton BC​. 2018. Linking stream channel change due to floods to ecological impacts. Ecohydrology, 11(8):

Davidson SL,  Eaton BC. 2018. Beyond Regime: A Stochastic Model of Floods, Bank Erosion, and Channel Migration. Water Resources Research, 54(9) 6282-6298.

MacKenzie L​, Eaton BC​, Church MA. 2018. Breaking from the average: Why large grains matter in gravel-bed streams. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 43(15): 3190-3196.

MacKenzie L​, Eaton BC​. 2017. Large grains matter: contrasting bed stability and morphodynamics during two nearly identical experiments. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 42(8): 1287-1295.

Eaton BC​, ​MacKenzie L​, Jakob M, Weatherly H. 2017. Assessing erosion hazards due to floods on fans: physical modelling and application to engineering challenges. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 143(8): .1943-7900.0001318.

Eaton BC, Millar RG. 2017. Predicting gravel bed river response to environmental change using a physically based model. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. doi: 10.1002/esp.4058.

McParland DJ, Eaton BC, Rosenfeld JS. 2016. At-a-station hydraulic geometry simulator. River Research and Applications, 32(3), 399–410. doi: 10.1002/rra.2851.

Hugue F, Lapointe MF, Eaton BC, Lepoutre A. 2016. Satellite based remote sensing of running water habitats at large, Riverscape scales: a new tool to analyze habitat heterogeneity for river ecosystem management. Geomorphology, 253, 353–369.

Davidson SL, MacKenzie L, Eaton BC.  2015. Large wood transport and jam formation in a series of flume experiments. Water Resources Research, 51(12), 10065-10077.

Davidson SL, Eaton BC. 2015. Simulating riparian disturbance: Reach scale impacts on aquatic habitat in gravel bed streams. Water Resources Research, 51(9), 7590-7607.

Tamminga A, Eaton BC, Hugenholtz C. 2015. UAS-based remote sensing of fluvial change following an extreme flood event. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 40(11), 1464-1476.

Tamminga A, Hugenholtz C, Eaton BC, Lapointe MF. 2015. Hyperspatial remote sensing of channel reach morphology and hydraulic fish habitat using and unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV): a first assessment in the context of river research and management. River Research and Applications, 31(3), 379-391.

Whitehead K, Hugenholtz CH, Myshak S, Brown O, LeClair A, Tamminga A, Eaton BC. 2014. Remote sensing of the environment with small unmanned aircraft systems (UASs), part 2: scientific and commercial applications. Journal of Unmanned Vehicle Systems, 2(3), 86-102.

Eaton BC, Hassan MA. 2013. Scale-dependent interactions between wood and channel dynamics: modelling jam formation and sediment storage in gravel-bed streams. Journal of Geophysical Re- search – Earth Surface: 118: 2500-2508.

Davidson SL, Eaton BC. 2013. modeling channel morphodynamic response to variations in large wood: implications for stream rehabilitation in degraded watersheds. Geomorphology: 202: 59-73.

Owens PN, Giles TR, Petticrew EL, Leggat M, Moore RD, Eaton BC. 2013. Muted responses of streamflow and suspended sediment flux in a wildfire-affected watershed. Geomorphology: 202: 128-139.

Eaton BC, Hassan MA, Davidson SL. 2012. Modelling Wood Dynamics, Jam Formation and Sediment Storage in a Gravel-Bed Stream. Journal of Geophysical Research – Earth Surface: doi:10.1029/2012JF002385

Eaton BC, Church M. 2011. A rational sediment transport scaling relation based on dimensionless stream power. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms: 36(7): 901-910.

Eaton BC, Moore RD, Giles TR. 2010. Forest fire, bank strength and channel instability: the “unusual” response of Fishtrap Creek, British Columbia. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms: 35(1): 1167-1183.

Eaton BC, Millar RG, Davidson S. 2010. Channel patterns: braided, anabranching and single-thread. Geomorphology: 120: 353-364.

Eaton BC, Andrews CAE, Giles TR, Phillips JC. 2010. Wildfire, morphologic change and bed material transport at Fishtrap Creek, British Columbia. Geomorphology: 118: 409-424.

Phillips JC, Eaton BC. 2009. Detecting the timing of morphologic change using stage-discharge regressions: a case study at Fishtrap Creek, British Columbia, Canada. Canadian Water Resources Journal: 34(3): 285-300.

Eaton BC, Giles TR. 2009. Assessing the effect of vegetation-related bank strength on channel morphology and stability in gravel bed streams using numerical models. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms: 34: 712-713.

Ashmore PE, Biron PM, Eaton B, Rennie C. 2009. Recent Canadian research on fluvial sediment transport and morphology since 2003. Canadian Water Resources Journal: 34(2): 149-162.

Eaton BC, Church M. 2009. Channel stability in bedload dominated streams with non-erodible banks: inferences from experiments in a sinuous flume. Journal of Geophysical Research – Earth Surface, 109(F03011): doi: 10.1029/2007JF000902.

Eaton BC, Hassan MA, Phillips JC,. 2008. A method for using magnetic tracer stones to monitor changes in stream channel dynamics. Streamline, 12(1): 22-28.

Phillips JC, Eaton BC. 2008. Techniques for monitoring channel disturbance: a case study of Fishtrap Creek, British Columbia. Streamline, 12(1): 16-21.

Eaton BC. 2008. Potential channel changes following wildfire: applying the UBC Regime Model to Fishtrap Creek, BC. Streamline, 12(1): 28-33.

Eaton BC, Church M. 2007. Predicting downstream hydraulic geometry: A test of rational regime theory. Journal of Geophysical Research – Earth Surface, 112(F03025): doi: 10.1029/2006JF000734.

Eaton BC, Church M, Davies TRH. 2006. A conceptual model for meander initiation in bedload-dominated streams. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 31: 875-891.

Eaton BC. 2006. Bank stability analysis for regime models of vegetated gravel bed rivers. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 31: 1438-1444.

Eaton BC, Millar RG. 2004. Optimal alluvial channel width under a bank stability constraint. Geomorphology, 62: 35-45.

Eaton BC, Church M, Millar RG. 2004. Rational regime model of alluvial channel morphology and response. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 29(4): 511-529.

Eaton BC, Church M. 2004. A graded stream response relation for bedload dominated streams. Journal of Geophysical Research – Earth Surface, 109(F03011): doi: 10.1029/2003JF000062.

Eaton B, Church M, Ham D. 2002. Scaling and regionalization of flood flows in British Columbia, Canada. Hydrological Processes, 16(16): 3245-3263.

Eaton BC, Lapointe MF. 2001. Effects of large floods on sediment transport and reach morphology in the cobble-bed Sainte Marguerite River. Geomorphology, 40(3-4): 291-309.

Lapointe MF, Eaton BC, Driscoll S, Latulippe C. 2000. Modelling the probability of salmonid egg pocket scour due to floods. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science, 57: 1120-1130.

conference proceedings

Hassan MA, Smith BJ, Hogan DL, Luzi DS, Zimmermann AE, Eaton BC. 2008, Sediment storage and transport in coarse bed streams: scale considerations, in Habersack, H., Piegay, H., and Rinaldi, M., eds., Gravel-Bed Rivers VI: From Process Understanding to River Restoration, Elsevier, p. 473-496.

Eaton, BC. “Modeling stream channel response to changes in sediment supply using physical models”. Fifth International Symposium on Environmental Hydraulics. Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, December 4-7, 2007.

book chapters

Eaton BC, Rosenfeld JS. 2016. Mechanisms of flow and sediment transport affecting fluvial ecosystems. in Johnson EA, Martin YE (eds). A Biogeoscience Approach to Ecosystems. Cambridge University Press. pp. 347-382.

Moore RD, Sidle RC, Eaton BC, Takahashi G, Wilford D. 2016. Chapter 7: Water and Watersheds. in Innes JL and Tikina AV (eds). Sustainable Forest Management: From Concept to Practice. Routledge. pp. 161-188.

Eaton BC, Church M. 2014. The future state of Peace River. in Church M (ed). The Regulation of Peace River: a Case Study for River Management. John Wiley and Sons.

Church M, Ayles CP, Eaton BC. 2014. The floods of 1990 and 1996 on Peace River. in Church M (ed). The Regulation of Peace River: a case Study for River Management. John Wiley and Sons.

Millar RG, Eaton B. 2011. Bank Vegetation, Bank Strength and Application of the UBC Regime Model to Stream Restoration. In S. J. Bennett, and J. M. Castro (Eds.). Stream Restoration in Dynamic Fluvial Systems: Scientific Approaches, Analyses, and Tools. Geophys. Monogr. Ser., vol. 194, AGU, Washington, D. C., pp. 475-485.

Eaton BC. 2013. Chapter 9.18: Hydraulic Geometry. In Wohl EE (ed.), Treatise on Geomorphology, vol. 9, Fluvial Geomorphology, Elsevier, Oxford, UK.pp. 314-329.

Eaton, BC and RD Moore. 2010. “Chapter 4: Regional Hydrology”. Watershed Management: Compendium of Forest Hydrology and Geomorphology in British Columbia. Ed. Robin Pike. Victoria: Ministry of Forests.

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