Hey guys, so I have gotten a lot of feedback about my topics on getting super grades.  It’s awesome to see that there are people amped for first year at UBC, and maintaining high school grades like I was :).  First of all, I’m going to answer some q’s i’ve been asked, and some people may want to know!

1.  How do you find all your resources?

I hunt!  The internet is a beautiful thing!

2.  How much did your GPA drop?

Why make assumptions that it dropped from high school?  Haha joking, for my yearround average, it dropped like 15-20% from high school :\  I can say that it went up between 1st and 2nd semester tremendously..:)

3.  Why are you interested in online courses?

Because they require you not leaving your room 🙂  And it still counts for credits, why not1

4.  What would you choose if you didn’t choose science?

Computer science 10000%!!  And a minor in theatre.  These are things I’m interested in, but wouldn’t want to focus on 100% independently.  If it was possible to pull of a Honors in Cell and Developmental Biology, and Minor in CS, that’d be awesome. But that would also involve having no life aside work.

5. How was living in residence first year?

I lived in Vanier, in Mawdsley House.  It was definitely fun!  Being 10 minutes away from classes certainly had its benefits.  But don’t count yourself out if you are a commuter, I found that those commuter students at the library between breaks and not in their rooms sleeping or being random(me) accomplished so much more, and definitely made up for that commuting time.

6.  What was your favorite class this year?

Math 103.  Seems random, and I suffered through it, but it felt better because EVERYONE suffered through it, and I suffered less than the majority of the class haha.  My best grade tied with English.  But mostly because I could listen to music while studying/doing homework, which makes it so much better 🙂

7.  What was your least favorite class this year?

Biol 121 and Biol 140.  Hated these with a passion.  Bio 121 with Greg Bole was just ridiculous.  I actually thought I was solid with the material, did well on all the quizzes, did the reading, but bombed the midterms.  The fact that my family came to visit the weekend before the midterm affected me, but that’s not good enough as an excuse.  I think the stingy TA’s contributed as well.  You could write a page of work, and get like 3/10, and its just frustrating when you word it differently and they don’t give you credit for it.  Long story short, I just hate this course.  Bio 112 is harder but more organized and straight forward.  Others think differently, it is what it is.

8.  Favorite place to study at UBC?

Irving!  Why oh why did I only discover this place around finals..?

9.  What are your thoughts on 8am classes?

Just because you could handle it in high school means nothing.  Trust me when i say you will feel the effects of 8am classes ESPECIALLY around midterms, but that’s just me.

10.  Am I taking the right courses for first year?

I love UBC but they really need to be more informative to first year students.  Many students in first year don’t even know about the online UBC calendar, that you can explore different specializations within your faculty.  So if you see a specialization you feel you want to apply for at the end of 1st year then check out that calendar to make sure that you are taking the right courses first year.  Everyone generally follows the same specialization.


Besides from that, this has been really horrible week in the news.  RIP To all the victims of the Norway attack, and Amy Winehouse, an unbelievably talented singer.  Just one of my favorite songs.

About binta

UBC First year student. :)

3 responses to “Q&A

  1. Biology in university doesn’t require long answers. I’ve tried setting exam questions myself (I did it for my own interest), and I have found that the more succinctly an answer can be phrased the better.

    The main point is to read the question carefully, and to be sensitive to word choice. Never answer a “why” question with “how” – that is the biggest mistake people make. It contributes to that frustration, because you can answer a page-long worth of “how”, when for 10 marks all you needed was a 4-liner on “why”.

    2nd year biology will be the same. Look out for Dr. James Berger or Dr. Ninan Abraham – hands-down my favourite profs for the course (I took James’ lecture section, and worked in Ninan’s lab before).

    • I don’t know…my course with Greg Bole, required a lot. If you looked at the solutions it was literally paragraphs of writing… I definitely get what your saying, and perhaps I’ve overlooked that. 2nd year biology, you mean biol200? I will probably shoot a couple questions to you this summer/fall 🙂

      May I ask what specialization you did at UBC. I’m looking to go into Honors Cell and Developmental with minor in CS in the future…or Honors Physio if im lucky

  2. There’s other things to look out for. If you shoot me individual questions from mid-terms, I’ll remember what to look out for.

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