
Weekly jQuery Migrate Status Update Email

Over the weekend, many of you will have received an email with a subject of “Weekly jQuery Migrate Status Update”. It is an email telling you that it’s a “weekly summary of the warnings still present on your site“. These emails are legitimate – so not a phishing attempt – but they are annoying, especially […]

UBC Blogs has been updated to WordPress 4.7 “Vaughan”

From: https://wordpress.org/news/2016/12/vaughan/ Version 4.7 of WordPress, named “Vaughan” in honor of legendary jazz vocalist Sarah “Sassy” Vaughan, is available for download or update in your WordPress dashboard. New features in 4.7 help you get your site set up the way you want it. Enjoy and Happy Holidays! -UBC Blogs Team

The UBC Admin Blog

Your administration now has a blog. How cool is that?

UBC Insiders

UBC Insiders

UBC Insiders was started by Tim Louman-Gardiner and Gina Eom in January 2007 as part of the Voter Funded Media contest. Why did they start it? Boredom, a sincere belief in the relevance of the AMS to the lives of UBC students, and the philosophy and funding behind VFM. Shortly after the 2007 AMS elections, […]

Healthy UBC Blog

Thinking about running routines or organic foods? Wondering what to make for a healthy snack? Health Promotions want to help you find your motivation and support through conversation and shared experiences on the Healthy UBC blog. The blog is about building health at UBC, using personal stories to highlight a variety of health issues and […]

The Search Principle Blog

The Search Principle Blog

Dean Giustini is a reference librarian at the University of British Columbia at UBC’s Biomedical Branch Library located at the Vancouver General Hospital.

Abject Learning

Abject Learning

Bug Blog

Bug Blog

A blog trying to answer the important question of how microbes rule the world.

Where The Blog Has No Name

Where The Blog Has No Name

A blog by E. Wayne Ross, a Professor at the Faculty of Education.

Andean Democracy Research Network

Andean Democracy Research Network

Andean Democracy Research Network is a pilot project funding by the Glyn Berry Program in the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Canada. Their purpose is to report on the state of democracy in Latin America, particularly the Andean sub-region.