
New themes added.

New themes added.

We’ve added a couple new responsive themes to the mix check them out. Suits For blogs and websites. Sleek design and solid code. Suits make you look good. Features: black, custom-background, custom-header, custom-menu, dark, featured-images, full-width-template, gray, microformats, one-column, right sidebar, threaded-comments, two columns, white Flounder Flounder is a flat, minimally styled theme for bloggers […]

UBC Blogs Upgraded to 3.8 “Parker”; Some legacy themes and plugins removed

UBC Blogs has been upgraded to WordPress 3.8 “Parker”.  Please see video overview on changed and new functionality. Enjoy! We have also removed a number of outdated themes and plugins due to performance and security issues. If your blog is affected, please contact us (blog.support@ubc.ca) or come to one of our support clinics: http://www.events.ctlt.ubc.ca/events/keyword/wordpress/.

UBC Blogs October 2013 Facelift

We have updated UBC Blogs to WordPress 3.6.1 and during the upgrade we also decided to update the look and feel (which had not been refreshed since 2011). From the functional perspective, everything remains the same, except that we are making access to groups and forums slightly less obvious as part of the long term […]

New Theme: Twenty Thirteen

With the new version of WordPress comes a new theme. Twenty Thirteen has a warm and colourful feel. It also features great typography and is mobile ready. Enjoy.

New Theme: Twenty Twelve

New Theme: Twenty Twelve

Twenty Twelve continues to improve over Twenty Ten and Eleven. Twenty Twelve theme for WordPress is a fully responsive theme that looks great on any device. Features include a front page template with a its own widgets, an optional display font, styling for post formats on both. Check it out.

French Language Support

This was long overdue but UBC Blogs now has the french language translation files enabled. To enable this on your blog goto Settings-> General -> Site Language Currently the following themes have translation files (more to come): TwentyTen TwentyEleven Responsive *Not all plugin and themes have multi language support so milage may very but if you […]

New Themes: Sunspot and Pilcrow

Two new theme additions:     Pilcrow (http://wordpress.org/extend/themes/pilcrow) Sunspot (http://wordpress.org/extend/themes/sunspot)

New Themes: Ascetica and Rumput Hijau

New Themes: Ascetica and Rumput Hijau

Continuing  our streak of adding more modern themes to UBC Blogs. This week I am happy to be adding two themes that both feature great typography and a responsive design. First up is a very clean  blog / portfolio theme called Ascetica by Griden. Simple portfolio and blog theme with responsive layout, sticky posts slider, and […]

New Theme: Pink Touch 2

New Theme: Pink Touch 2

Another new theme today. This one is very tumblr’ish. Single column just about the content, features include a custom header, custom background, and maximum three widget areas in the footer.      

New Theme: ChaosTheory

New Theme: ChaosTheory

Added a dark single-column theme with a minimal, techy feel. This theme supports custom background, header and menu. Also supports featured image and featured header. It’s built by Automattic!