WordPress 3.0 & Features
We are excited to announce that UBC Blogs has been updated to the latest version of WordPress, version 3.0.
WordPress 2.9.2 & Features
UBC Blogs has been updated to version 2.9.2. Here’s some new features: Enable in-browser image resizing and cropping Embed YouTube video directly to post/page without using embed code Trash status for posts, pages, and comments (includes restore and permanent delete) See the official WordPress website for complete list of new features in 2.9.
New and improved Add User function.
For those that have experienced difficulty in the past adding users to your blog we now have an improved Add User function. To add additional users to your blog go to the same location Users->Add Users. You can add a list of emails (one per line). If the email is in the system they will […]
Monitoring UBC Netowork Outages
On September the 8th blogs.ubc.ca experienced down time due to a UBC network failure. Thanks to all those who let us know. For future reference please check the IT Services Bulletin for campus network statuses. http://bulletins.it.ubc.ca/
How-To add a user to your UBC Blog
Lately our support team are getting a lot of question on how to add an user to a blog. So here’s what you need to do. Please note that steps 1 to 3 are critical. Check with the person you are adding to your blog and see if he/she is already a registered member of […]
How-To Change attribution for a post
For those with multi author blogs who would like to change which of the authors on your blog is given attribution for a post, this video will show you how.
How-To set your discussion settings
Many blog to interact with their readers but do not know how to set their discussion settings properly. This video talks you through the options available. *Note: The video refers to WordPress.com just replace that with blogs.ubc.ca.
Introductory video to WordPress 2.7
This video gives a 5 minute introductory walk through to new users and is an invaluable way to get people started. Video Source: WPMU Premium
How-To Publish your post at a later date
This is an often overlooked feature of WordPress the ability to post to a future date. A very useful feature for course blogs. Check out this video for the how-to: