Apple’s Iphone 6: Bigger is Better

With the recent discussions on business models and planning for products during the Comm 101 lectures, I have decided to read about the record-setting sales of the newly released Apple products over the past weekend and the reasons for its success

Lineup on Manhattan's Apple Store.  Hiroko Masuike/The New York Times

Thousands wait in lineup at Midtown Manhattan’s Apple Store. Hiroko Masuike/The New York Times

I have decided to dissect the reasons for the record breaking sales of the two new Apple products as elements of the Business Canvas Model. A major factor for these increase in sales is believed to be the increase in screen size; a majority of smartphones have larger screen sizes, including strong competitors such as Samsung. I believe this is a value proposition many die-hard Apple fans have been waiting for, and an attractive feature for new consumers. The new iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus are 4.7 and 5.5 inches respectively, larger than the previous 4 inch iPhones. By fulfilling a highly demanded value proposition, Apple also increases customer relationships. Additionally, Apple is also increasing its supply and production to meet these pleasantly surprisingly results with its key partners and resources in Asia.

iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus

iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus

iPhones have always been making huge sales in the smartphone market, but now that iPhones have a competitive screen size alongside its pleura of other features that have made them popular, I foresee these new iPhones to be making a significant impact in the market. By achieving key elements of the business canvas, I can see why Apple’s newest products are not only always better, but achieve record breaking sales yearly.

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