Social Trends – Moving Away From Logos

This t-shirt typically retails at around $30 from Abercrombie & Fitch.

This very similar white v-neck t-shirt is only $6.95 from H&M.

From a university student’s perspective, the H&M t-shirt is more economical because I can get more wear out it as it is way more versatile and the price is much more attractive. On the other hand, Bloomberg Businessweek states that teenagers are moving away from logos because they strive for individuality and uniqueness rather than brand “uniforms”.

The clothes that one chooses to wear, says a lot about a person.

“Besides communicating about a person’s beliefs and nationality, clothing can be used as a non-verbal outlet to attract others. Men and women might adorn themselves with accessories and keep up with the latest fashion trends to attract partners they are interested in. In this case, clothing becomes a means of self-expression, and people can sense power, wealth, sex appeal, personality, or creativity just by looking at what a person is wearing.” – Maggie Pazian,

This being another reason why consumers tend to shy away from branded clothing. Brands can say so much about a person, for example wearing Abercrombie & Fitch clothing may be a sign of money and good fashion sense in the eyes of younger generations, while older generations may not want to be caught dead in an Abercrombie & Fitch hoodie for fear of being judged for not dressing their age.


Another reason for this social trend may be caused by fashion advice websites that are promoting logo-less clothing for university students.The following photo was taken from College Fashion‘s Valentine’s day outfit page. As you can see, there are no visible logos on the clothes.

But then again there is the question of what came first, the chicken or the egg? Is the fashion trend moving away from logos because fashion advice tells them to? Or are fashion websites simply reporting the fact that there is a trend and making recommendations for those who are behind?


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