phones: a future for literacy ?

Virtual Libraries in Developing Countries

girl reading book on phone

The first article I found tells of one mans efforts to build libraries in developing countries. He created a non-profit society, Room to Read, to carry out this mission. Since its creation, Room to Read has established libraries in many countries, including Cambodia, India, Laos, Nepal, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, and Zambia;

My research led me to what happened in Nigeria surrounding virtual libraries.  An initiative to build a virtual library for a Nigerian university began in 2000. The need was identified to stock their libraries with improved and up to date literature, a need that was not being met by paper books. So, conversation began around using ICTs to bring about better education for its students. A major problem they immediately began to debate was who would front the cost of connectivity and access to information electronically. Because this initiative began so long ago I began looking into Nigerian libraries and university institutions to see what progress had been made since this article was written.

I also found an article about the library services offered in rural areas of Nigeria; it mainly suggested that the existence of libraries in Nigeria were hindered due to illiteracy, lack of information and ICT, lack of infrastructure, and poverty. A bookmobile program was introduced in Nigeria in the 60’s however after a successful inception, it did not remain in place for any extended period of time.

In looking for initiatives happening more currently, I came across an organisation called the Elsevier Foundation –a foundation that gives grants to developing nations’ libraries. One of their initiatives is called the “E-Library Training Initiative”. It provides online research skills and training to librarians in Africa, Latin America, and Asia. They in turn take the knowledge they’ve learned from their studies, and bring it back to the professionals and students of their own communities. So far, the Elsevier Foundation has helped these nations gain access to 6500 online journals and databases. To hear about the people it has positively effected, take a look at the video below.



After searching for information about mobile devices specifically, and how these devices can support developing nations, I came across an article about a “mobile reading revolution.” A year long Unesco study of seven developing African countries, found that 62% of their respondents read more because of their mobile phones. Furthermore, the respondents said they read to their children off their mobile devices. The study concluded that reading on ones mobile devices, let to a “promising if still underutilized pathway to text” (Flood, Mobile Reading Revolution). As I became specifically interested in what was happening in Nigeria, I learned that mobile books cost Nigerian citizens on average 1 to 2 cents, while a paperback book cost 1 to 5 dollars. This seems very promising for the education of people in developing countries like Nigeria. Within this article, Unesco cited U.N. data, that claims of the seven billion people living on earth, “more than six billion now have access to a working mobile phone” (Flood, Mobile Reading Revolution). This data was shocking to me as I felt an immediate sense of promise towards the number of people that potentially have access to a medium of which to read.

The above article led me to a partner of Unesco, Worldreader, which aims to bring digital books to citizens around the world. Worldreaders mission is to show people the capacity their cellphone, to act as a digital library. Their goal is to bring digital books to every child, by building on digital platforms and mobile connectivity to make their books available in places where they would not otherwise easily exist.

Of all the research I did, I found Worldreader to be the most promising and forward moving initiative of all. Looking at ones mobile device as a library brimming with literature and information is not only innovative and engaging, it is hopeful and exciting for the future of literacy in ALL nations of the world.


Bernard, Sara. Room to Read: Building Libraries, Schools, and Computer Labs in Developing Countries. Web. 27 Oct. 2015

Y.Z. Ya’U. Nigerian Virtual Library. Web. 27 Oct. 2015

Flood, Alison. Mobile Reading Revolution. Web. 27 Oct. 2015

Worldreader. What We Do. Web. 27 Oct. 2015

Worldreader. Girl reading mobile phone. Image. 27 Oct. 2015

4 thoughts on “phones: a future for literacy ?

  1. Aaron Mueller

    Great post that outlines many of the organizations and groups out there working towards supporting literacy and providing access to information for developing world countries. You’ve collected some interesting and insightful examples and rationale for why it is important and how digital, rather than paper, access is more affordable and has a much greater reach. Overall, a good exploration, discussion and awareness raising post that has good tagging, embedding and linking!

  2. Christopher Hunt

    Hi Bronagh,
    Our research on this topic sent us to some of the same or similar places.
    I was amazed to see how close we are to actually making it possible to have people around the world carry digital libraries in their pockets. So many groups working on this around the world.
    I wonder if there are similar strong efforts to bring internet connectivity and either digital or paper libraries to our own remote Canadian citizens…

  3. Jen McLean

    It looks like we checked out some of the same studies! I found it so compelling that mobile reading is cheaper and easier than print reading… most of the time I automatically assume that anything with tech is going to be pricier, but this is clearly not the case (and definitely encouraging!)

  4. Armee

    I would of never thought reading on a mobile device was cheaper than an actual book, that was a total ‘whoa’ moment for me that you provided. That was a really interesting read about the work being done in Nigeria, I wonder if they were to resurrect the bookmobile idea back to life, what if they added technology to it too, if it bring in more funding and continued interest? Thanks again for the interesting read!


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