“Tell me about yourself”

“It felt unjust, as if my prior efforts and achievements were being dismissed or wasted.”

Rowan (she/her)

When people migrate to a new place, the first things that they want to do usually include finding a home and getting a job – all in an effort to find stability and restart their lives in a foreign land. In this comic created by Rowan, it’s clear that a whole host of obstacles prevent newcomers from getting settled and stabilized. For example, what happens when an employer only wants/values local experiences, eschewing whatever relevant work and education experiences the applicant had back home? This effectively forces newcomers to start their careers from scratch, ignoring the expertise that they may have already gained and demonstrated previously. Not only does this have implications for financial outcomes, but also for one’s self-worth. Have you experienced something similar? How do you think this system more appropriately assess an applicant’s international qualifications and experiences?

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