Social Entrepreneurship: A New Perspective On Business!

What is Business really about? Economists believe that business is all about profit maximization. In Commerce I’ve been taught to develop the tools to realize this goal. To me, Business has always seemed heavily focused on money and profitability. But I am a Business student who has never been overly motivated by money. My motivation comes from the desire to make a difference, to reach out to those who are struggling, and I’ve always wondered where my servant’s heart would fit in the business world.

Recently, I discovered Social Entrepreneurship: the perfect marriage between Business and community service.

What is Social Entrepreneurship?

Social Entrepreneurs combine principles used in both the Business and Non-Profit world to create effective solutions to social, cultural or environmental issues. While Business Entrepreneurs measure performance in monetary terms, Social Entrepreneurs focus on their impact on society and the value added to communities. They recognize society’s needs and innovate ways to meet those needs.

Making a change through Social Entrepreneurship

I believe that this is what Business is truly about: Impact! Profitability is meaningless if a Business has added no meaningful value to the society in which it operates. Social Entrepreneurship has captured the heart of business and has allowed me to see it through fresh eyes!

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