How DO you conserve water? How WILL you, not how CAN you?

The average amount of water an average Canadian uses per day.

The average amount of water an average British Columbian uses per day.

There are many people around the world who live for a month using the amount of water we use in a day.

These were some stats shared with our class today in a water conservation presentation by Operation Save H2O. There were many other shocking statistics they shared with our class. However, they did more than just make jaws drop, they presented a lot of information and new vocabulary to the students. They taught the students about reasons for water conservation, and brainstormed with them ways to save water. I wasn’t surprised by how many ideas and actions the students already knew. Likewise, I can personally rattle off dozens of ideas of ways to conserve water but that doesn’t mean I put them into effect as efficiently as I should or would like to. We teach students from a young age important issues like water conservation but I think we need to take it one step further and critically evaluate our actions. We should be focusing on using this education to change our ways. I know one of my biggest challenges in not wasting water is in showering. Today I was given a five minute water timer, and I have already placed it in my shower, because I am not proud of being one of the 490L/day club.

I’m not asking what can we do to save water, but how can we actually DO it? How can we get ourselves, our students, our friends, our family, strangers, to actually put into PRACTICE what they know in theory?

Thanks again to the two engaging enthusiastic university co-op students, Tony and Jenny, from Operation Save H2O that presented to our class today!