Over the past few months Twitter has played a huge role in my development as an educator. Back in January I even felt as inspired as to write a blog post “Twitter – What’s in it for you?” reflecting on my positive experience. In this post, I suppose in a way I unknowingly foreshadowed something to come. I challenged other student teachers to take part in the #bcedchat on the upcoming topic of Teacher Education. During that chat I connected with @mmehibou and @SMooreBC where we discussed our hopes for having more Student Teachers connecting on Twitter. We had the idea to begin a student teacher focused chat, and with that, @BCStuTeach was born.
We chat every Tuesday from 6-7 PST on topics pertaining to Student Teachers. Our topic during our first week was quite broad, focusing on introductions, teacher education programs, why we want to be teachers, etc. Our second week was a discussion on practicums as different education faculties were in the midst of practicum, preparing for practicum, or receiving practicum placements! You can find storify archives on our BCStuTeach blog.
Besides the Twitter chat, we have also created a Facebook page BC Student Teachers as an alternate social media location.
We would love to have more student teachers joining us for weekly chats, and connecting anytime using the #BCStuTeach hashtag. In-service teachers are always welcome as well; many of us came to Twitter in the search for additional mentors! Join us this Tuesday, March 18th at 6pm PST as we talk about and share resources!