
Posted by: | October 7, 2011 | Leave a Comment

alarm buzzing water running toothbrush brushing bag zipper espresso maker keys turning in the lock doors opening the whooosh of the breeze greeting me shoes clicking ipod blasting or crooning, depends on what mood i wake up in sipping coffee texting clicking busses whirring children yelling parents chattering stores bustling cuckoo of the pedestrian light […]

My eyes are drawn to the pile of CD’s, Surround by Jon Bauer/ Passion Awakening Concert/ Reconnect Me (talk by a youth pastor) and books of short essays, On Friendship by Montaigne/ The Wars by Timothy Findley, the order in which they’re stacked is a bitter reflection of what importance they hold in my life. […]

Education, a poem.

Posted by: | October 2, 2011 | 1 Comment

I found a copy of a poem written by one of our Library scholars back in Busolwe. It was written as part of his application to be a library scholar (whereby his school fees would be subsidized by the library), and the topic was “Education”. Education. Where did you come from? Oh! God, you created […]

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