Tag Archives: Lectures

Annual Marlee Kline Lecture in Social Justice

Thursday, October 29, 2015 – 18:00 to 20:00

Speaker:Kim Pate (Ariel F. Sallows Chair in Human Rights, University of Saskatchewan)

Kim is the executive director of the Canadian Association of Elizabeth Fry Societies (CAEFS), a federation of autonomous societies which work with, and on behalf of, marginalized, victimized, criminalized and institutionalized women and girls throughout Canada. A lawyer and teacher by trade, she has completed post-graduate studies in the area of forensic mental health.

Topic: The Terrible Truth About Canadian Crime: No Justice for Indigenous Women

Kim Pate will identify current trends in the increased criminalization and imprisonment of Indigenous women, especially those who are poor, victimized and have mental health issues.  Within the context of current legislative and political trends, she will further elucidate some of the social context and inequality issues that contribute to the over classification and limited programming and treatment options which result in Indigenous women being the fastest growing prison population and the least likely to be conditionally released. Kim will also discuss potential legal strategies and challenges to address these issues.

DLA Piper Canada Hall (Rm 104)

Please RSVP for this event: eventassistant@allard.ubc.ca

10 29 Pate (Marlee Kline) - poster

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Upcoming Lecture: Shelly Johnson

Assistant Professor Shelly Johnson (Mukwa Musayett – walking with bears), University of British Columbia School of Social Work, will present her lecture, “Take No Prisoners: Indigenous Women Leaders in the Provincial First Nations Court”, at the Centre for Feminist Legal Studies lecture series on Tuesday, October 6th at 12:30pm in Room 122.

CFLS Lecture Poster 10.06.2015 Shelly Johnson 

For lecture details see the CFLS Lecture Poster (Shelly Johnson).



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Lecture: “Martyrs of Marriage?: Men’s Rights Activists, Law and Feminism”

The Peter Wall Institute presents this public lecture, co-sponsored by the CFLS

MARTYRS OF MARRIAGE?: Men’s Rights Activists, Law and Feminism

Speaker: Professor Srimati Basu, Associate Professor of Gender and Women’s Studies and Anthropology, University of Kentucky

From faint beginnings in scattered solitary actions in the 1990’s, Men’s Rights Activists have emerged in India as a well-organized social movement, with careful political outreach through social media, legislative lobbying and street action.  They represent a range of ethnic and religious groups, include several prominent women leaders, and reflect some diversity of class positions. Their common target is the cynical misuse of civil and criminal laws relating to marriage and domestic violence, in particular the simultaneous deployment of multiple laws.

This presentation focuses on their understandings of law and legal process, and the range of gender identities they create in response to law. It is all too easy to dismiss the claims based on their frequent blatant misogyny, but some of their arguments raise fundamental questions for feminists about power, process, responsibility and subjectivity. Prof. Basu will explore some of the ways in which these discourses disturb notions of gender equity,
gender neutrality and female agency normalized in law, and the reflexive concerns for politics and accountability in feminist legal theory.

MONDAY, 26 May @ 3:30 – 5:00 PM

Room 104, Allard Hall (1822 East Mall)

Click here to view event poster (pdf).

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Feminist Faculty 2013-2014 Case Roundup

Speakers: Profs. Isabel Grant, Mary Liston and Efrat Arbel

Join us for the final CFLS lecture of this academic year. Three feminist faculty members will discuss important 2013-14 decisions at different levels of court, and their implications for gender equality in Canada. Pizza will be provided.

R v Hutchinson, 2014 SCC 19
Does one consent only to engaging in a sexual act or do the circumstances of that activity, such as whether the sex is protected or unprotected, come within the concept of consent? Prof. Grant will consider this decision’s important implications for sexual assault law & HIV nondisclosure prosecutions. The absence of a feminist intervener group in the case is evident in the majority and minority opinions.

Saskatchewan v Whatcott, 2013 SCC 11
Prof. Liston will focus on the intersection of human rights and constitutional law in the SCC’s judgment, and the important role of human rights bodies in facilitating access to justice in Canada.

Inglis v British Columbia, 2013 BCSC 2309
This case involved the constitutionality of the Mother-Baby Program at Alouette Correction Centre for Women. Prof. Arbel will focus on the court’s comparator group analysis under s. 15 of the Charter.

When:             Tuesday, 25 March @ 12:30 PM
Where:            Room 123, Allard Hall (1822 East Mall)

Click here to view the event poster.

For the full CFLS lecture schedule, see https://blogs.ubc.ca/cfls/lectures/

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Bonnie Sherr Klein Lecture Video

2014 Marlee Kline Lecture in Social Justice – “I Am Who You Are”

Bonnie Sherr Klein is a documentary filmmaker and long-time activist in the feminist and disability movements. In this lecture she shares her lived experience of disability as documented in her journal entries and film. She points out that disability inevitably touches us all, and proposes that human rights for people living with disabilities is not `merely’ a justice issue but an opportunity for all of us to be our most human.

Webcast sponsored by the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre and hosted by the Centre for Feminist Legal Studies as part of the Marlee Kline Lecture in Social Justice.

This lecture honours the memory of Marlee Gayle Kline, a member of the Faculty of Law from 1989. Professor Kline died in 2001 after a lengthy and determined struggle with leukemia. Her work on feminist legal theory and critical race theory, child welfare law and policy, law’s continued colonialism, and restructuring of the social welfare state is internationally acclaimed. This lectureship not only recognizes Marlee’s rich contribution to the law school community but also reflects her belief in the central role social justice concerns must play in legal education and law.

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