Tag Archives: Lectures

2014 Marlee Kline Lecture in Social Justice – “I Am Who You Are”

Join us on 30 January for the 2014 Marlee Kline Lecture in Social Justice, being given by Bonnie Sherr Klein.

Bonnie Sherr Klein is a documentary filmmaker and long-time activist in the feminist and disability movements. In this lecture she shares her lived experience of disability as documented in her journal entries and film. She points out that disability inevitably touches us all, and proposes that human rights for people living with disabilities is not `merely’ a justice issue but an opportunity for all of us to be our most human.

The one-hour lecture will be followed by a reception. Please RSVP to eventassistant@law.ubc.ca.

Date: Thursday, 30 January 2014
Time: 6:00 p.m.
Place: UBC Allard Hall (1822 East Mall), Room 104

Click here to view the event poster (pdf).

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Lectures Captured – Fall 2013

This term, we have been experimenting with the lecture capture system at Allard Hall, and have a number of our lectures now available on video. As you will see, we are still working out some kinks, including issues with the audio cutting in and out. Hopefully with some practice we’ll get it all down to a science. In the meanwhile, see below to catch a lecture you missed, or re-listen to one of your favourites!

1 October 2013 – Corinne Arthur, Special Projects Coordinator, Surrey Women’s Centre
“We are SMART: A Regional Response to Violence Against Women and Girls”

8 October 2013 – Adrienne Montani, Provincial Coordinator, First Call: BC Child and Youth Advocacy Coalition
“Child and Family Poverty and Public Policy: A Women’s Issue?”

15 October 2013 – Judith Daniluk, Professor, Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology UBC
“Careers and Motherhood: Can Women Really Have It All?”

22 October 2013 – Claire Young, Professor, UBC Faculty of Law
“Taxing Times for Lesbians and Gay Men: 20 Years Later”

29 October 2013 – Annie Rochette, Associate Professor, Université du Québec à Montréal
“The Gender Dimensions of Climate Change Mitigation & Adaptation: Silos & Possibilities”

5 November 2013 – Melina Buckley, Vancouver Lawyer & Member of the Equality Effects’ 160 Girls Legal Team
“The 160 Girls Project: Using the Law to End Violence Against Girls in Kenya and Malawi”

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Upcoming Lecture: Sarah Rauch on “Mothers and Babies Together Inside”

“THE SCOPE OF SECURITY AND EQUALITY: Mothers and Babies Together Inside”

Join us for this lecture on Tuesday, 19 November @ 12:30 in Allard Hall room 123.

A recent question in BC Supreme Court posed by our UBC Indigenous Community Legal Clinic with co-counsel at Fasken Martineau asks whether the scope of rights protected under our Charter includes the rights of babies to remain with their mothers in provincial jail, and the rights of mothers to remain with their babies despite being incarcerated.

The case challenges a decision made by BC Corrections to close a program that provided for mothers and babies to remain together inside Allouette Correctional Centre for Women (ACCW), provided that there were no child protection concerns. Until it was cancelled in 2008, the practice of housing mothers and babies together inside had run since the 1970’s under the direction of wardens at the former Burnaby Correctional Centre for Women and ACCW, and previous to that at Twin Maples institution. There are similar practices elsewhere in the world.

The cancellation of the program, we argue, infringes upon the rights and freedoms of both the mothers and the babies who were denied the opportunity to remain together at ACCW, including having an adverse effect on Indigenous women and babies, given the overrepresentation of Indigenous women in jail.

This talk will be an opportunity to hear about the case, ask questions, and to encourage discussion.

Sarah Rauch
Director and Supervising Lawyer, Indigenous Community Legal Clinic

Professor Rauch graduated from UBC Law in 2001, then articled with the Legal Services Society and worked as an associate with Conroy & Company doing prisoners advocacy and criminal defence litigation before beginning her own practice in Vancouver in early 2006. Her interests are in rights and freedoms and the representation of people with challenges that place them at a disadvantage when negotiating the legal system.

View the event poster (pdf).

View the full lecture schedule.

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