We forecast that there is a 50% chance the demand will be less than 5 or more than 5. Therfore, we should buy 5 units
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Megan Chan
information for forecasts are based on past statistics and sales
Jennie Yan
3 because even with the worst case scenario (we sell 1), we would end up breaking-even. So no matter what happens, we won’t lose money.
Forecast determines requisite strategy for the upcoming period. The information likely comes from accounting (past data). Buy five.
Fengke Tan
We would buy 4 or 6 because basically its the safest way to do it.
I would buy 10 – it would cost $10 and you would only have to sell 4 to recoup costs. That way if you sell more, you make more profit.
Fangxian Guan
We would buy three because of the fact that we can break even with the sale of one unit. The risk is minimized.
Kwok Ching Him
What will you do with a forecast
– Adjust production / inventory.
– Demand / Sales / Customer feedback. -
I will buy 5 because it is right in the middle. therefore it minimize risk as it is in the middle. accounts for demand deviation.
Jiacheng Shen
Better and more feedback can be got from consumers and this can improve the product
you can build a unique brand as you create your direct relationship with the costumers and to reduce the cost from supply chain.
Yiyin Zhang
The supply chain is shorter. Shortening the distance between producer and customer and producing product that meets people’s need.
Xinyue (angela) Li
-better relationship with customers
– make more profit because they don’t have to share the revenue with 3rd parties -
Xu Yueting
-updating the product more quickly
-build a close relationship with customers
-new information from customers
-cost willl be more efficient -
An advantage is that their is improved B2C relations and allows the business to heavily invest in their after-sales services.
Kwok Ching Him
– Closer relationship with the customer
– They can resolve problems in a more immediate manor.
– Internal communication
– less problem -
Gabriel MacTavish
By eliminating the middle man, the company makes more profit per unit sold.
Jiacheng Shen
When goes directly to customers, it increases the profit margins coz no retails or agent share profit
the company is able to have strong relationship with the supplier which help them reduce the cost of production.
Andrew Grange
advantage:not as much inventory required, this would not be the case if your product was sold in retail stores like Staples / London drugs
Kwok Ching Him
– Immediate information about demand, adjust supply accordingly.
– Customer taste.
– Less Inventory
– Assets collect risks. -
it lets customers to give direct feedback, which allows the producers to adapt their products better to fit consumer needs.
Xu Yueting
-updating the product more quickly
-build a close relationship with customers
-new information from customers
-save cost -
Clement Hue Yat Kong
Companies could provide better products, reduce costs and be more efficient in distribution.
Xu Yueting
-updating the product more quickly
-build a close relationship with customers
-new information from customers
-save cost -
Karina Chadijah
The advantage of a direct business model is that it saves logistic costs and internediaries.
Maddie Ladner
There are shorter days of inventory as well as reducing the costs of transporting the product through an intermediary.
It is better for the customer because they get to the product directly without having to deal with retailers.
Danielle Lim
Advantages of direct business model includes: faster delivery, cuts middle man costs, and better understanding of customer preferences.
jennieyan 8:07 am on September 24, 2013 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Alex Wou, Alan Huang, Lilian Tseng