Social: Companies want to reduce costs and are willing to sacrifice peoples health and safety
Enironmental: Global warming and pollution
Updates from Thursday 24th October, 2013 Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts
Chris DeDecko
– Climate, unsustainable use of resources, Waste, Clean Water
– Humans cause these issues, more specifically mostly developed countries -
Peter Chen
Important environmental and social issues are the environmentally unhealthy things we do that are easily avoidable, yet socially acceptable
Emilie Gibeau
The commercialization of natural spaces. Ex. Parks Canada acting as a business and attempting to pump more tourists into the park.
social issues = unemployment, poverty, homelessness. Environmental issues = ozone layer depletion, deterioration of fragile ecosystems
global warming is the most important issue today. The increase amount of C02 emission from modern industry and our excessive lifestyle.
Priyanka Vasudev
A social issue is insufficient wages paid to workers in other countries, this is caused by large companies who want to reduce costs.
Megan Barnabe
Deforestation (especially the Rainforest) for housing and land for agriculture because of the increase in population
Manveer Tatla
Pollution of ocean waters–> unregulated dumping practices, leaking oil tankers
Jessica Ng
Ice caps melting– gas (carbon dioxide) emmissions; depletion of ozone layer; increasing global temperatures
Kwok Ching Him
S&E issue: Global warming, ozone depletion, pollution
Cause: Globalisation, increase in people’s living standard (higher consumption / waste -
Pollution, green house gas emissions, increased unemployment (affect of a global recession), poverty, starvation, waste disposal issues
Andrew Grange
Ocean Pollution,
Improper disposal of waste, Radio Active Dumps.. -
Rachel Lee
What are important social and environmental issues today? What are the causes of these issues?
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