eco conscious fashion industry, bloggers
$15: banana paper thank-you card
$30: info kit
$50: t-shirt
$100: shoes
*each gets above incentive
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Darya Jalali
Darya Jalali
Organizational culture is when the company reflects their core values within the company (employees etc.) and externally
Darya Jalali
banks are to blame because they gave too much without realizing who they were giving it to
Darya Jalali
S: poverty, unemployment, lack of education C: government, companies..
E: pollution,deforestation C: ignorance, profit focused companies -
Darya Jalali
S: poverty, unemployment, lack of education C: government, companies..
E: pollution,deforestation C: ignorance, profit focused companies -
Darya Jalali
Lion King
Darya Jalali
limited details about where the money comes/go in the company, no guarantee when you purchase- risk involved
Darya Jalali
Lululemon, apparel
POP: clothes, athletic wear
POD: quality, reputation, yoga based -
Darya Jalali
Costs will be less compared to a traditional model, real time data helps the company improve their products, strong customer relationships
Darya Jalali
bigger planes equals more costs, but not necessarily more customers to fill the seats because it’s a more expensive plane ticket
Darya Jalali
It is extremely impersonal to look at employees as an equation, within that equation there can be successful workers
Darya Jalali
No, it is too expensive. Also living in Vancouver, everything is close to us so gas consumption is less.
Darya Jalali
Good morning!
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