Incentives: $20 pledge – Arc initiative t-shirts?
Niche Bloggers: fashion-trend bloggers, fashion model twitter accounts
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Nicholas Everett
Nicholas Everett
It’s when the workforce of a company can cohesively stand behind a company’s goals a values, which translates to employee motivation.
Cole Christiansen
Consumer tastes, income, relative prices to competition, quality of inputs.
Nicholas Everett
Banks – Credit Default Swaps – Bear Stearns. Initial catalyst
Nicholas Everett
Share price could plummet, or even skyrocket, depending on investor belief in earnings potential for Twitter. How do you monetize twitter?
Nicholas Everett
Accounting – Google gets to make a profit from a product that it already owns -> Free profits. Cost is in Marketing/Ethical Perception.
Nicholas Everett
Tesla Model S – Points of Parity: Car parts, airbags, it goes beep beep. PoD: Battery, Safety, Luxury, Performance, charging stations.
I will buy 5 because it is right in the middle. therefore it minimize risk as it is in the middle. accounts for demand deviation.
Nicholas Everett
No reliance on third party distributors, selling products for cheaper, lower storage costs for inventory, and better customer relationships.
Nicholas Everett
Easier to fill small plane = max seating. Smaller plane = lower cost/flight than bigger plane.Max seating + lower costs = efficient profits.
Nicholas Everett
With bottom line so prevalent in basic fundamental goals of a firm, becomes difficult to give a second dimension of thought – ethical side.
Cole Christiansen
Our families don’t own Hybrids because of desire for performance. Cost doesn’t entirely matter,but it does have an effect. Buy a Tesla later
ziluezheng 9:03 am on November 28, 2013 Permalink | Log in to Reply
additional incentive: for a 100 dollars pledge, you will get a actual pair of shoes.
faiyazmoosa 9:03 am on November 28, 2013 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Likely Funders: Sauder Students/Professors & Early Adopters of Fashion (hipsters)