Organizational culture is the values, and norms within an organization. For example, Hollister has a cool, young and relaxed culture.
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Megan Chan
The banks are responsible because they give out bad loans and mortgages that they know people can’t pay back, resulting in great losses.
Jake Black
The government shutting down could have a similar imapact on the market as what Jeff said about 9-11 or a natural disaster.
Brand: browers, Google Chrome; PoP = internet browsing, multiple tabs, add-ons, PoD = design, customization, games, speed
Maddie Ladner
There are shorter days of inventory as well as reducing the costs of transporting the product through an intermediary.
Megan Barnabe
It’s important to know how your decisions affect the community around you. You need to think of your employees as people and not numbers.
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