1)Sauder students,environmentalists
2)pens:$10,Arc Initiative t-shirt:$25,launch event $75,shoes $100,whole package:$250
3)fashion blogs
Tagged: Linda Wacheke RSS Toggle Comment Threads | Keyboard Shortcuts
Phebe Kwok
organization culture of a company is partially defined by its values, rituals, and selection process
organization culture of a company is partially defined by its values, rituals, and selection process
organization culture of a company is partially defined by its values, rituals, and selection process
Info on – which products have most sales, which months have the most sales (inventory), if marketing initiatives have any effects on sales
Gabriel MacTavish
Twitter’s IPO is being underwritten by Goldman Sachs instead of Morgan Stanley like Facebook’s was.
Karlyn Evans
Word of mouth style marketing. Strategically personalizing their services to consumers. Possible ethical issues with privacy.
Karlyn Evans
Coffee Industry- Starbucks
PoP->coffee, snacks
PoD->quick service, familiarity, price -
Annabelle Chen
You see a general pattern and a prediction of the market;comes from the past accounting data; we would buy six.
Annabelle Chen
they save on commissions; better access to the inventory -> better knowledge of customers’ needs.
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