The set of rituals and beliefs, and behaviors adapted by members of a corporation (what motivates people).
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Fangxian Guan
Chloe Hoy
Inventory, most popular/profitable products, customer segments (who buys which products).
Chloe Hoy
Inventory, most popular/profitable products, customer segments (who buys which products).
Fangxian Guan
Banks fail to investigate into the ability of house buyers to pay the amount (loans) back.
Chloe Hoy
Ozone depletion (global warming) – increased emissions from cars & waste.
Unemployment caused by economic recession, social inequality. -
Phones, Iphones PoP: calling, texting, internet PoD: upgrades, image, exclusive software (itunes, imessage, facetime)
Peter Chen
Teaching ethics is difficult, but the important thing to do in business school is raise the ethical awareness involved in management
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