Monthly Archives: February 2023

The Gore-Tex enigma

Gore-Tex is a highly versatile material that has garnered a lot of publicity in recent years.

Gore-Tex Logo. Credit:

First invented in 1968 by Wilbert and Robert Gore, it is made of polytetrafluoroethylene, more commonly known as Teflon. Not the hard stuff though. It’s basically Teflon that has been stretched… a lot.

It is a magical material in many respects. Water simply glides off it, leaving it bone dry. Being also very breathable and light, it is no surprise that it is the ideal material for water resistant clothing. 

With the likes of Adidas and Nike incorporating it into their outdoor wear products, its widespread use and popularity has called into question the manufacturing process and its environmental impacts.

Teflon is a very durable material that does not degrade and lasts for a long, long time. This is a good thing right? Well, yes… But what happens when that fifteen year old jacket you own is discarded or lost, and finds itself buried in the dirt outside an abandoned parking lot? 

It persists. And doesn’t degrade. For centuries. 


PFC’s or perfluorinated compounds are those that contain only carbon and fluorine atoms. Teflon is derived primarily from such compounds.

Chemical structure of Teflon: repeating units of carbon and fluorine atoms. Credit:

The problem with PFC’s is that they tend to accumulate within our bodies and the environment. They are difficult to break down as they are quite unreactive.

A class action lawsuit at a DuPont Teflon plant found a very strong association between working with PFC’s and two types of cancer. Since then, numerous other studies have found a strong correlation between exposure to certain PFC’s and negative health outcomes.

To be clear, it isn’t the wearing of Gore-Tex products that is concerning. Also, not all PFC’s are harmful. However, the manufacturing process dispels many harmful PFC’s into the environment. 

Gore-Tex jackets are also near impossible to recycle. They are made in complex ways, and the design process involves multiple layers, glues, and components. 

Gore-Tex must not be completely written off though. Gore and company have assured investors and the public that they are phasing out the use of many harmful PFC’s in their manufacturing process. However, the effects of this are yet to be seen. 

There are also other, more intriguing applications of this remarkable material.

What is not talked about nearly enough is the role of Gore-Tex in medicine. It has shown to be ideal for usage within our bodies.

Being both porous and unreactive, it enables the body’s cells and tissues to grow through it without any side effects. This makes it a viable material to be used in sutures, grafts and other applications. 

Like most technologies, Gore-Tex is exceedingly complicated in many ways. Its strengths in one regard, prove to be its downfall in another. It seems the jury is still out on this one

– Salik Rushdy

Non-Hormonal Birth Control for Males May be Within Reach

There are currently no non-hormonal birth control pills on the market for females or males, despite these pills likely having fewer harmful side effects than the hormonal birth control methods available for females.

And since males continuously generate sperm while females are born with all potentially fertile eggs, it is easier for scientists to find approaches that reversibly stops sperm production in males rather than risk “spoiling” the non-renewable pool of eggs in females.

Picture depicting the meeting of sperm and egg, which leads to fertilization and pregnancy. Image Credit:

Recently, scientists at the University of Minnesota have found two promising compounds that may become the first non-hormonal contraceptive drugs for males. Testing on mice found that these compounds are effective at reducing sperm count and present no side effects.

The first of these potential drugs is a chemical named YCT529, reported by Dr. Gunda Georg’s group in spring 2022. This molecule was designed to inhibit the function of the protein retinoic acid receptor alpha (RAR-α). Georg’s scientists found that a lack of RAR-α protein in male mice leads to sterilization, but no additional side effects. When YCT529 was orally administered to the mice for 4 weeks, their sperm count was drastically reduced, and the drug was 99% effective in pregnancy prevention.

Line structure of non-hormonal male contraceptive YCT529

Chemical structure of non-hormonal male contraceptive YCT529. Image Credit: Md Abdullah Al Noman

The second drug was reported by the same group of scientists in early 2023 and is named EF-4-177. The target of this molecule is an enzyme named cyclin-dependent kinase 2 (CDK2) which is involved in sperm cell production. The scientists reported an over 45% decrease in sperm count of the mice after 28 days of treatment with EF-4-177.

Currently, a startup named YourChoice Therapeutics based in Berkeley, California is working to market YCT529 to humans soon. According to their website, the company has done testing on dogs and primates with positive results. Their graphics show that after two weeks of treatment with YCT529, sperm levels in dogs drop to zero and primates do not produce enough sperm to be fertile.

If a side effect-free non-hormonal birth control pill for males is introduced to the public, it would expand contraceptive options for those with testicles beyond condoms and vasectomy. As well, it would make it easier for the responsibility of pregnancy prevention to be shared between partners in a relationship.

Hopefully, more research to come will soon make non-hormonal birth control pills for males a reality.

~ Ying Cai

Nanodiamonds: A Breakthrough in Medicine and Cosmetics

Consider a diamond so small that it is measured in nanometers, but so powerful that it has the potential to change the way scientists approach cancer treatment and skincare.

Meet nanodiamonds, the tiny stones that are making waves in the fields of medicine and cosmetics worldwide. 

Illustration of nanodiamonds source

Basic structure of nanodiamonds with surface functional groups source






Nanodiamonds are overturning traditional cancer treatment methods.

Chemotherapy treatments, while effective, can have serious side effects. According to scientists, nanodiamonds provide new hope because they can selectively induce apoptosis, or cell death, in target cancer cells while causing no harm to healthy cells.

This makes them a game changer in the fight against cancer.

But that isn’t all.

Oxidative stress results from an imbalance between the activity of oxygen-containing free radicals and antioxidants in the cells and tissues of your body, leading to increased oxidation reactions. If there are more free radicals than antioxidants, the former can cause damage to fatty tissue, DNA, and proteins due to the lack of sufficient neutralizing agents.

Because of their ability to reduce this phenomenon, nanodiamonds can efficiently treat cardiovascular disease and inflammation. This makes them a potential force in the development of new therapies for chronic diseases.

Teradia TD Repair Serum Emulsion (serum composed of nanodiamonds) source


Nanodiamonds are used in a variety of cosmetic products, ranging from skincare creams to hair products and makeup.

They can improve skin texture and appearance, as well as reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and increase skin hydration and elasticity.

This makes them an essential component of any anti-aging skincare routine.


For those who suffer from acne, nanodiamonds have antimicrobial properties that make them a popular ingredient in acne-fighting skincare products. They can effectively kill the bacteria that cause acne, reducing inflammation and aiding in skin clearing.


Nanodiamonds are small, but they pack a powerful punch. While more research is needed to fully understand the therapeutic and cosmetic benefits of these tiny diamonds, it is clear that they have the potential to change medicine and beauty forever.

Prepare to shine with nanodiamonds!

~ Vivian Hou