Writing resources
UBC Centre for Writing and Scholary Communication You can book one-on-one consultations with staff from the centre! They also host workshops and tutorials.
The Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL)
Free online writing resources and instructional material from Purdue University.
Grammar Girl
A collection of casual, fun articles and podcasts about writing.
Presentation resources
UBC Library has compiled a list of presentation skill resources.
Here’s a Vimeo video called Five Steps to Great Presentations.
For some tips on creating good slides for presentations, check out You Suck at PowerPoint!
Lifehacker has a great collection of articles and video about enhancing skills and improving productivity including, Rock Your Presentation with the Right Tools and Apps and How to Create Presentations that Don’t Suck.
Walter Gage Toastmasters An on-campus club devoted to helping members become better public speakers.
Poster resources
Here’s an entertaining website with tips on designing scientific posters, including links to good examples and bad examples.