
For blogs you like, you might consider setting up an RSS Reader so that you can easily keep track of new posts or your favourite blogs. Setting up an RSS Reader is super easy. There are bunch of options out there, such as Google Reader, add-ons to Firefox, or RSS Readers that are built right into your email client.

Chemistry-specific Blogs

Last couple years of CHEM300 blogs: The 2018 and 2019 cohorts of CHEM300 students show you how it’s done.

Compound Chemistry by Andy Brunning presents a range of chemistry in infographic style.

Just like cooking reports chemistry news, faculty hires and moves, and generally takes the pulse of the North American Chemistry community.

The Safety Zone is an off-shoot of the professionally produced CE&N magazine.

Science Blogs

Wired maintains a group of blogs including a few specific to science.

New Scientist is a weekly magazine published in the UK and is a great source of science news.

The New York Times covers a lot of science and each Tuesday features an entire science section called the Science Times.

BBC Science & Nature


Toronto Star Science

Guardian Science

National Geographic
National Geographic Canada

Scientific American